How to make your first robot

Wow, terrible tax. Even for

Wow, terrible tax. Even for a letter sent as a gift? Terrible. Well, if the headers you have from the motherboard look the same as the ones pictured here then do it. Male headers like these are pretty common, chances are they’ll fit.


Thank you for your answer.

I will soon be working over it.

Wheels Not Working

Sorry for the late reply, got a little too busy. But anyways, I have taken pictures. There is also one thing I need to say, the yellow chip that I was supposed to put on the board, what does that do? Because I put a new black chip instead of the yellow one because mine didn’t come with a yellow chip. I know that there are a lot of wires, but that

shouldn’t do anything to the robot right?

Hard to tell

With the white background your pictures came out very dark. The pictures should include the motor connections to the board, closer if possible. A pic of the backside of the board would be nice to, again, the motor connections are the focus.

Everything else but the motors work then?

edit - The yellow chip is just eight 330ohm resistors side by side and in a DIL package. The black chips are more common than the yellow ones nowadays.

Wheels Not Working

Everything works

but the motors. Here are pictures of the connections from the motors to the board.



Thanks for giving us lots of

Thanks for giving us lots of pictures. Unfortunately they are not all in focus, so it’s hard to be sire, but it looks as if everything is done right.

What do you mean by “not working”? What program code are you running to test? Please tell us excactly what you have done, what you expect as the result, and what happens instead, thanks :slight_smile:


I’m using the PICAXE programming editor to try and run my code. I would copy the code that was provided by LMR, to make sure things work. The head of the robot works, it turns around. But when I try to type this code:

                                                                                                                                  high 4

                                                                                                                                  low 5.


The motors don’t even budge. What I thought would happen is one of the wheels would turn around. I tried connecting other wires from the motors to the board, yet still nothing happens. What do the numbers after the high and low represent? 

Need an advice
My robot is doing verry well so far… he is exploring the world. But I want to connect 2 leds. I saw the tutorial and they should go on pin 3 because 4,5,6,7 are used for the motors. If I put them in series will they work fine? or the voltage will be low and one of them won’t work?

I think you might be better

I think you might be better off if you create a new forum topic, “How to connect LED’s to AXE020” - just mention which output’s you are already using (or tell that it’s the SH bot :slight_smile:

The reason is that there can be many answers to your question, and if it is in a seperate post with a good title, others can be directed there :wink:


Hmm… This is kind of

Hmm… This is kind of strange - it appears you have done everything right, and you are running the right code.

As I wrote earlier, your pictures are not very sharp. I cannot see if the motors are soldered well. You might want to try and test if they are somehow.

The code:

high 4
low 5

is setting “signals” to the L293D motor controller. All it does is to send power into one pin on the L293D and not on another. That tells it to run one motor in one direction. Or so it should :wink:

Motor Connections



Here are the soldered wires that are connected to the motors. To me, they look pretty well soldered. I even tried tugging on them, they are pretty well stuck to the motors.

Could This Be Why My Motors Don’t Work?

Could the way I soldered the pins into A and B as shown, be the reason why my motors don’t work? That big blob formed when I was soldering, it was also my very first time soldering, so I was not experienced at all.


Yes. (!)Do NOT power your

Yes. (!)

Do NOT power your robot before this is fixed, you will fry stuff!!

You might already have fried stuff - but try and fix it and see. If you did not see any blue smoke from the L293D, you might be in luck. If no luck, you will likely need a new L293D - but it’s cheap, and can be found in many (local) (web)shops.

How Do I Fix It?

How do I fix such a big blob of solder? Do I just melt it and scoop it off?

You can use a desoldering

You can use a desoldering pump like this one, it is pretty cheap and efficient :



Not a pretty method but you

Not a pretty method but you can melt the blob and blow it off the edge of the board. Be sure to blow it off the board, not towards the other connections towards the interior. There will be some solder spray but you can pick the bits off the board. Then you can try again with fresh solder and flux.

You can also melt the blob with the iron and use it to get some of the solder off. Some of it will stick to the iron tip and you can wipe it off. You’ll probably have a dirty, crusty looking solder connection though unless you use some solder flux at the end.

I also wanted to point out that in the picture the header pin you added for the servo connection looks a little bodgey. I don’t know if it’s still in that state. If so you’ll want to make that a nice, smooth solder joint as well.

For how long

I have kept the solder on for 2 minutes on high temperature, and still the blob hasn’t melted. Am I doing it right? 

Problem with the servo

Hey, I am just a beginner.
Let me begin by saying that, I began my robotics career all because of Mr. Fritz. and Let’s Make Robots. So Thanx !!!


I am using a GWS S03N/F servo.
I pasted the program you mentioned in the beginning - ( servo 0, 150 . wait 2)
But nothing seemed to happen to the servo. It didnt move.

So I tried reattaching the batteries. Just as I re-atached the 3rd battery, the servo turned just a tiny bit. And it keeps turning a tiny bit every time the 3rd battery makes the connection.

I tried compiling the rest of the (servo bit of the) program and the SAME thing happens.
I tried new batteries and the SAME thing happens. 

Any advice?? 

Hi, we could really use

Hi, we could really use pictures, it sounds as if something somewhere is not connected right.

Make sure you have the servo cable the right way around :slight_smile:

Make sure a flat part of the

Make sure a flat part of the soldering iron is touching a flat part of the solder. Not a sharp point on a sharp point. Trick is to allow heat to move from one surface to another. Larger surface = better flow.