How to make your first robot


It probably won’t work, though I am not completely sure. If you cannot get a new one, try and see if you can solder the broken leg back on, as a last resort. Correct me if I am wrong.

Also remember to please use the reply feature, located under the subject line. This is probably the fourth or fifth time somebody has said this.

Good luck,

Student robot maker

Having trouble with detecting the firmware/board…

I downloaded and installed the picaxe program editor, and I installed the drivers correctly, as far as I know. However, when I use the program editor to detect the board (it’s plugged into both the computer (in the right port) and the board, AND the board has power (all the batteries should be okay, because they all read ~1.5v on my multimeter, and I don’t think there are any faulty connections)), it says that it can’t find it. Please advise.


different code!

ahhhh Crap!  that explains a lot.  I couldn’t work out why my beast didn’t scan as it rolled along.  I wish I knew it was not the same code as the video.  It would have saved me rebuilding the beast twice and several attempts at reloading the code.

I’m new to coding but understand the basic principal of it.  Read it through and worked out most if it and the actions it referred to but couldn’t  work out why it was different from the “scanning” vid.

Thanks for the heads up mate,  and back to the drawing board.




Try this…

Have you tried to reset your board? Also, make sure you are using 3 AA batteries (non-reachargeable) not 4, unless your working with reachargeables. Four standard AA batteries would give you 6 volts, which could cause damage to the microcontroller. Also, check to see that you inserted all the chips correctly in the board.

If all this doesn’t work, you might want to take some photos of your setup and post it on LMR so we could provide more advice.

One last thing: try the search box. I bet quite a bit of people have had the same problem as you.

Hope this Helps,

Student robot maker

my pc dosent download it right?
when i the software i store it in my pc documents. when i plug in the robot to the pc it tells me to browse for the software on my pc but it dosent show the software. i click start button and click documens and its there. when i browse it to be downmloaded to the robot its not there. why?

Thanks a lot

1 more favor, i’m a 3rd year engineering student and i’m on a look out for final year projects for next year. I want to make a robot with a lot of artificial intelligence in it. Can you suggest me any idea or any robot which others have built. it would be of great help.

By the way i took the start here robot to college and all of them were really amazed to see it in action :slight_smile: .


Thank you :) 

Thanks, but no luck

I tried making new (temporary, not soldered) connections between the power wires and the battery case – they appeared to be pretty weak before, and I think I need to resolder them… Anyway, I tried searching and couldn’t find anything that helped. Here’s a pic of what I have:

i soldered the pins to a and b half way throuth?

is it ok if i only solder it halfwat through?

COM port

Try refreshing the COM (aka USB) port on your computer, or maybe change it to a different port. Also, I think your motor wiring is incorrect. One pair of wires from one motor should go to A, and the other motor wires should go to B.Plus, you might want to resolder the pins (no offense) and consider using some alcohol swabs to get rid of the flux residue, which can corrode the board over time. Right now, the last thing I can think of is to check if you inserted the batteries correctly. I had the same problem as you when I was making my first robot, only to realize that my batteries were inserted incorrectly (pretty stupid mistake,but what do you expect from a twelve-year-old like me?).

Good luck and tell us if you get it working:)


Student robot maker

I don’t understand

Please elaborate and write grammatically correct sentences.


Are you talking about the programming editor software or the USB download cable driver? Check to see if you are searching in the correct folder. Also, please try to experiment and see if you can fix the problem before asking for help. LMRers are here to help you when you get stuck.

Good luck,

Student robot maker

its okay already got it

its okay already got it downloaded


the driver is the problem if you pull up the program editor there is a section called usb help i think in section 3.1 if you follow every direction then it will work you might have to put the cable in a new port for it to work just dont be hasty.

soldering pins in 28x1 project board

In the “A” and “B” letters on the picaxe 28x1 board, there are 4 pins i have to solder in for motor wires.

would it still work if i soldered te pins halfway through the board?

It should work as long

It should work as long as:

  1. The pins are making good electrical contact with the solder pads on the board, and…
  2. The pins are long enough on one side to make good electrical contact with the connectors that go to your motors.

However, this happens to me too sometimes, and it is easy enough to fix.  It is not too difficult to re-heat the pins and use a small needlenose pliers or other gripping tool to pull the pins out a bit again.

Pins in board

Yes, but the pins arent sticking out of the board. I look on the bottom of the board and i dont see it come out.

I accidently soldered the pins in A and B halfway through the board

so does it still work

I misunderstood. I thought

I misunderstood. I thought you inserted the pins too far. You mean that you did not insert the pins far enough.

If they are not inserted all the way through, they may still be making electrical contact. However, since they will not have a good mechanical connection, there is a high probability that the connection may break, or worse, develop a hairline crack that will sometime conduct and sometimes not. This can be very hard to track down later.

I recommend you remove the pins and then reinstall them. There are youtube videos on how to solder. I strongly recommend that you check one out.  Here’s one good one that CaptainTuna posted a while back.

New to robotics


I am planning to buy this robot kit to build my first proper robot but my knowledge is very limited. I wanted to build this as it was the robot that inspiered me. If anyone has any tips I’d be very grateful.

Thanks!!! : )

Just read the post carefully

Just read the post carefully and follow the instructions. If you get stuck, post a forum question with a clear description of where you are stuck.


Don’t worry all of us were

Don’t worry all of us were like you when we first came into the world of robotics. Here practical experimentation is everything. Go ahead and get started with this kit, its fun and educational.
