How to make your first robot


Thank to all, your advice was very helpful. 

Learning picaxe

I know the program for this robot is already here but it would be nice to learn the bacic program. It would be nice if someone could suggest a site for me to learn picaxe. Thanks again to all those who have already helped me: ) !!!

There are plenty of Picaxe

There are plenty of Picaxe based robots posted on this site that include code examples. It is best to dive in and just start experimenting.

There is also the Picaxe Forum, which you may find helpful.

Once you have the Picaxe in hand, you can start with something basic, like blinking an LED. The start here robot program gives you a lot of functionality to explore. Also, read the Picaxe Manuals (#1, 2, and 3).

Programing problems

So I built my robot follwoing the above instructions. Im at the part where you enter 

servo 0, 150 

wait 2

I typed that in and tried to program my bot with it but I got a “cannot open serial port/dev/tty.usbserial-0000101D”. I also screwed the pins up that connect the motors to the power. they are not all the way in and the connections may be a bit off. Would that be the problem?

Try going to

options, then serial ports, and then scan for USB cord.  This will see if the cord is found and then will tell you what port it is in.

What program are you using?

What program are you using? can you link me to it?

I am having a problem with

I am having a problem with the PICAXE-28 Project Board. Each time I try to make a servo turn a little bit, it does about three turns.

You are likely not to have a

You are likely not to have a problem with the Picaxe 28 project board, but with your servo. Look for modified servo, continious rotation around the site, even in the comments on this page.

You will need another servo - but don’t worry, you can still use the one you have for other projects :slight_smile:

Can i modify the servo so it

Can i modify the servo so it can be a standard servo?


Just the standard program

modified to work on my robot.

Not really, no. Once a servo

Not really, no. Once a servo has been modified for continuous rotation, you can’t really go back. The process usually removes a physical stop in the gear train. It also involves some rewiring, which could potentially be restored to the original, but if your servo came from the factory as a continuous rotation, it may not even contain the necessary potentiometer.

Just buy a standard servo. They are not very expensive.

Also, please try to use the reply features when you post a related comment. It keeps this forum better organized.

Good luck! 

you guys are simply AMAZING!!!

Thank you very much for the great work :slight_smile:

I got the standard servos
I got the standard servos but now when I try to program the project board it won’t work. Please help.

If you want help, you should

If you want help, you should give us a little more to work with. Your entire description of everything boils down to “it won’t work”. What can we say to that, other than "oh, it won’t, won’t it?!"

Take good pictures of your connections, send us your code, let us know what works, and where you are stuck.

Let us know exactly what you have tried, and exactly and in easily understandable details what happened when you did so.

A well described problem gives a well described solution. But a “it won’t work” won’t get you anything in return.

Well when I got the standard
Well when I got the standard servos I plug in the cable so I can program it. When it starts to load the program it said there was an error. But before I got the new servos it worked. So I tried disconnecting them but it still won’t work. So it not an problem with the program but with something else. I also recharged the battery but it did not change anything.

I seriously doubt the error

I seriously doubt the error has anything to do with your servo at all. Just a coincidence.

Re-check your physical connection from the Picaxe to your computer. Try unplugging it and plugging it back again. On a Windows computer you should get some feedback that a USB device has been connected. (I can’t comment on MAC or Linux connections with any experience.)

Check which COM port your USB connector mapped to. You can see this in Device Manager (again on Windows). Windows dynamically maps the COM ports, so if you have connected anything else via USB to your computer, the COM port from your Picaxe may have been reassigned since the last time you used it succesfully. Be sure that the correct COM port is selected in the Picaxe Editor.

Also double check that you have the right processor selected (Picaxe28x) for example, in the Picaxe Editor.

Thanks! By the way I already
Thanks! By the way I already checked the device manager and it recenises it (I am using Windows XP).

It works!!! Thanks!!!
It works!!! Thanks!!!

I’m glad.Learn to use the

I’m glad.

Learn to use the Reply button. It’s easy. ; j

Oh man… It is not working
Oh man… It is not working anymore:-(