How to make your first robot

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Please use “edit” next time. And if you’re continuing a discussion, use “reply” instead of starting a new comment. This thread is hard enough to follow already.

Trust in Google: Try "sharp

Trust in Google: Try “sharp ir cable” for instant results!

If it says it comes with it, it does. If it says not included, it won’t be. Don’t read too much into this, my friend.

OK. I just woke up. So

OK. I just woke up. So forgive me if I’m a bit snarky.

Have you ever ordered anything online before? Follow the link to the SHR bundle on Solarbotics web site. There’s a list of included parts, and most of them are hyperlinked to a page that describes the part. The Sharp Analog Infra-Red Rangefinding System (AIRRS) is the range finder.

It is true that Solarbotics no longer includes the cable (which they state on their page). For now you can buy it separately. Use Google to find it. An alternative would be to use three female jumper cables and make up your own cable for the Sharp rangefinder. A ten pack is included in the SHR bundle. You can just order an extra one when you order the SHR bundle. They are handy to have around.

Also, did you see JAX’s recommendation about using the Reply feature of this site instead of starting a new comment each time? It really helps keep the site more readable.

ah u talking abt the 3 wires

ah u talking abt the 3 wires u c in the pic connected to the SHARP sensor??

i too dint have it but i jus removed 1 side of the wide casing thingie and soldered 3 wires to each pic works well :slight_smile:


what websites can i get

what websites can i get sharp ir sensor cables for $5.00 and under including s&h. please help

i bought a led and switch
how do i put the DPDT Micro Top-mount Slide Switch in the start here robot?
also, how do i put in the Bi-colour LED in the start here robot?
please answer a.s.a.p.

Here you go

This is the link to the cable:

Unfortunately, even though the cable itself is $1.50, I don’t think that shipping and handling will be $3.50. :0

Hope this helped,

Student robot maker

Here you go

This is the link to the cable:

Unfortunately, even though the cable itself is $1.50, I don’t think that shipping and handling will be $3.50. :0

Hope this helped,

Student robot maker

But the end of the wire is

But the end of the wire is cut. I need front and back the same as fritz please.

**they call it pre wired **

they call it pre wired



Just cut off the ends and solder on three female-female header jumper cables


Student robot maker

Frits just cut off a 3-pin

Frits just cut off a 3-pin female header from an old servo or something and soldered the lines to the Sharp cable. The start here kit comes with a 10 pack of female to female jumpers, you can sacrafice some of those to get the female headers. Of search through a junk computer. Lots of options. Use your imagination.

Just keep in mind Frits’ warning not to hook up the Sharp incorrectly, as you can burn it out pretty easily if you apply power to the wrong pins.

but how many female headers

but how many female headers do i need to do this robot? if i take three wires, only two are left.

line and headers

wait so each line is 2 headers? because to build robot it requires 5 or more headers right? i have 10 total and i cant spend for than 5 headers right? 

You don’t need to use three

You don’t need to use three female jumper cables for the Sharp sensor. Each jumper has two female ends. To get three wires with female headers on the end, you need 1 and 1/2 jumpers.

If you buy the Solarbotics SHR bundle, you get 10 jumper wires. Each one (cut in half) gives you two wires with a female header attached. That will be enough to complete this project. 

If you think you need more, order an extra 10 jumper pack. Or even more. They are very handy.

thank you so much

thanks guys

how do i do it correctly?

i can burn it out? seems risky. how do you know how to do it right then? please tell me.

It’s in the tutorial

The black wire (ground) goes in the left, the white wire (signal) goes in the middle, and the red wire (volt) goes on the far right. You can also refer to the image in the tutorial.

Hope this cleared things up,

Student robot maker

Try heating it…

And then try to push a pin threw by using a pair of pliers.

That’s not working too well.

That’s not working too well. I got one of the pins it, but that’s it. I don’t have the proper materials (i.e. clamps and stands) to have a good go at it. Maybe I’ll ask my school if I can borrow some. Any other suggestions?