How to make your first robot

I checked the manual 3, but
I checked the manual 3, but it still does not show how to control many servos at the same time!!!

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You have asked a lot of questions on this post, and they are starting to drift off the topic of the start here robot. You may want to post your questions on their own forum, and provide some details on what you are trying to do. 

**got it **

got it


hey fristl I have been

hey fristl I have been trying to connect a LED the whole day in vain 
what do you mean by “You could also attach a lamp or LED to pin 2 & ground” I think I fried a few can u give me a reference pic for this as to wer the 2 wire thingies of the LED should be attached?

i checked out but it did not give info on how to connect to picaxe board

sory i keep asking many questions

got it working :smiley: by trail

got it working :smiley: by trail and error :smiley: fried 4 LEDs :stuck_out_tongue:

Cool that’s how most of us

Cool that’s how most of us did it :slight_smile:

You can help the next person by submitting a picture of how you did it / explain how you did it.

Telling what you have learned is so much better than asking before trying :slight_smile:

Just have to careful not to


Just have to careful not to put any of the legs of the LEDs into the pins between the 2 highlighted spaces. Just solder a pin into the ground region and attach the LED to that and the pin on the V2 region corresponding it(like the arrows show). Dont have to worry about putting the wrong end, it usually wont get fried unless there is a huge voltage. Always use a resistor.

more info :

Actually this is not the

Actually this is not the best way to do it. You are not connecting straight to a pin on the microcontroller there, but to a pin on the Darlington. Sorry, no time for making tutorial of where output pins are, but they are the ones between the Picaxe chip and the Darlington.

Alternatively, use the input pins, use them as output, refer to the manual for how to do so :slight_smile:

If you connect straight to the Picaxe, with most LED’s you will not need a resistor.

isnt that a gud thing i mean

isnt that a gud thing i mean no need of resistor but full control of the LED

works fine for me :slight_smile:

time for a buzzer

also is it possible to put resistors for the Sharp IR sensors so that i can use 4x1.5V batteries so that the motors can drive faster??

because now its going really slow!!

There is just as much

There is just as much control over the LED if it is running right from the Picaxe.

It is time for you to learn and understand the principles regarding V1 and V2.

Read this: (again)

The Sharp should run on V1, the Motors on V2.

You should not put resistors on the Sharp, because if it is getting too much power (before the resistor), then so will the Picaxe.

To get the motors to run faster, use different gearing, or larger wheels. Or have 2 powers sources: You can give the V2 12V if you want, but you should read into the documentation, it is too much to ask for here, we might as well post all the manuals for you then - This tutorial is to get you started, but as I think a couple of others have told you before me; Read the manuals.

Try to ask when stuck because you do not understand the manuals, not because you have not read them, thanks :slight_smile:

yay got 2 LEDs working 1

yay got 2 LEDs working 1 flashes wen sumthin is detected the other 1 is on until it detects sum obstacle :smiley:

so happy I put a pin to 4 but i realised I cant put an LED der because ‘high 4’ is already being used by the motor :frowning:

lmr bundle add ons?

can i add a real time clock to the lmr bundle. Aka: the start here robot you made.

lcd for lmr bundle

could i also add lcd lights? if i can, how? lmr bundle

An RTC? No prob.

It’s one of the reasons to start with a big-boy sized PICAXE and not a lesser one!

I recommend the popular Maxim DS1307 real time clock. It uses the handy I2C 2-wire communications protocol. If you have many sensors that talk I2C, they can all share the same I2C wires. It might be a bit advanecd at this point but if you’re toying with using an RTC, you might as well see what you’re in for :slight_smile: Just so you know, you’re in for a learning curve. Fortunately, there is a lot of info out there for running a DS1307 off a PICAXE if you get stuck.

I recommend reading the PICAXE I2C manual (as well as the I2C commands in manual 2). The I2C manual shows how to hook up an I2C LCD display as well as the 1307.

LCDs or LEDs?

LCD=Liquid Crystal Display; e.g. a calculator display.

LED=Light Emitting Diode; e.g. almost every blinky light on every robot on this site.

If it’s an LCD you want. I say to go with’s 16x2 backlit package. It’s inexpensive, uses a ubiquitous LCD display, and it uses a simple serial command set that is (for the learned) easy to understand. To become learned you must only learn serial communication (see commands SERIN and SEROUT in PICAXE manual 2).

For LEDs, I point you to page 7 of the PICAXE Manual 1.


if i order the lmr bundle,

if i order the lmr bundle, will it come with the eyes and g1d12 cable?

or will i have to buy it seperately? also how do i install the dpdt micro top-mount slide switch?

please answer a.s.a.p

They link to the sensor

They link to the sensor information on the Solarbotic’s SHR kit page. Per its description:

"Note: Item no longer includes GP2D12 cable."

There is no DPDT switch with the kit, just FYI. If you want to install one as a power switch, read on further down the comments. ignoblegnome addresses that topic not but six days ago. 

but where will i get another

but where will i get another cable for the range finger? does it come qith rangefinder without cable, or withou both?

i meant rangefinder

i meant rangefinder

do i buy nw range finder and

do i buy nw range finder and cable or di just have to buy the cable?