How to make your first robot

sory multipostanyway it i

sory multipost

anyway it i need some help with this servo codes

it does not stop at all once

it does not stop at all once the sensor finds an obstacle…it just keep on turning right and wires get tangled

can u tel me how to stop a rotating servo?

Problem with Motor Driver and Sharp AIRRS

Thanks Frits for providing us with this useful information! This is my first robot ever, and I seem to have a problem with the L293D Motor Driver IC and the Sharp GP2Y0A02YK sensor. I bought the kit from Solarbotics. My dad and I put together the (wiring on the) project board, motors, and servo correctly. I downloaded the Programming Editor for Vista and connected it to a computer. I turned the servo to center (150). Then, I soldered on the wires on the Sharp exactly like the picture you provided. I connected it again, and inserted rechargeable batteries. When I typed in  


readadc 0, b0


goto main

smoke started coming out of the robot. Then, my dad and I disconnected the sensor, and tried commanding the servo to move. It moved! There was nothing wrong with the servo. Then, we tried 

low 4

high 5

and also 

low 6

high 7

but the motors did not turn the wheels. So, we put our fingers on the motor driver, and found it extremely hot, while the resistor array and PICAXE-28X1 IC Microprocessor were cool. So now, we are facing a problem and do not know what to do. 

Thanks again! 

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axepad commands

ok since my robot is functioning well…i really want to know wat input commands such as count etc do in the program …i searched the site from where i downloaded it from but no satisfaction…can u give some basic command list…

also i was wondering if u culd make the robot move in a pre-determined path

u might want to check on the

u might want to check on the microprocessors (those black cuboidal wid many legs thingies) u have to insert them the rite way to have it work check the tutorial as to how to put them… also check the soldering of the pins…if there are air gaps this may lead to some errors,

try high 4 : low 5 : high 6 : low 7

hope it works and remember total voltage should not cross 5 volts and plz dont use duracell the sensor wont work tat well



sry for multi postis there

sry for multi post

is there anyway i can remove the wheels and put a pair of legs (strong ones ofcourse!)

me and my friends are working on the mechanism but due u think its possible…can u give us some suggestions




Use google. Search for

Use google. Search for picaxe manual. There are three volumes. Picaxe manual 2 has all the software commands.

I doubt it, though perhaps

I doubt it, though perhaps your own creative genius will find a way. A walking robot is a completely different mechanical design.

There are a number of different walking robots posted on LMR and on the web. Search around for ideas and inspiration.

It sounds as if at least 2

It sounds as if at least 2 things are turning the wrong way here, sorry.

You will need to take sharp and clear close up pictures of all details, and post them here, if we are to see what is wrong.

i tried using duracell 1.5V

i tried using duracell 1.5V the motors wer some 3 times faster but the sensor stopped working and the robot hit the wall!!!

then i put the normal 1.5V batteries and it worked again… any tips as to how to make it go faster



Did you use four 1.5V

Did you use four 1.5V batteries (6.0V), which Frits’ tip specifically warns you not to do? The Sharp IR sensor wants only 5V, so you may have toasted it.

If you want to use higher voltage for your motors, you can separate V1 and V2 on the Picaxe project board. There’s a Tip on this site that describes the whole board and how V1 and V2 work.

Even the motors and motor driver chip (L293D) included in the Start Here Robot kit have their limitations. You cannot just pump a lot more voltage and current through the board and expect not to damage anything.

The GM9 motors probably won’t like much more than 6V, and the motor driver can handle 600mA per motor. So if you try to put, lets say 12V across the motors, you are likely going to generate blue smoke and an interesting smell.

Learn what you can from your experience with the start here project. Take what you learned and design new robots, which may be faster, stronger, whatever, as you like.

i just used 3 duracells

i just used 3 duracells totalling 4.5 volts but stil the robo just ran into the wall…then when i tried the normal batteries the sensor worked again…

btw i really need some suggestions with making legs or how i can put multiple servos for the same ciruit board and its programming bit…google gave some advanced things wich i couldnt follow



How to use this site

I’d like to recommend af few things to you.

  1. Post your battery question in a separate forum post; include clear (in focus) pictures of your set up with a complete description of your set up and your problem.
  2. If you want to build a walking robot, review some of the designs for walking robots, then post specific questions where you don’t understand. Don’t post on the start here forum about a walking robot. It is unrelated.
  3. If you are a beginner, who is having trouble getting the basics of the start here robot figured out, perhaps you should start more simply. Learn how to use the Picaxe to blink an LED, make a sound, etc. Build up your knowledge step by step.

I made a video of my robot …hope you guys like it…this may be the last time v see it in this shape…me and my friend thinking about modifying it completely…wish us all the best guys!!.. this is just the beginning :smiley:

It looks good. Nice video,

It looks good. Nice video, too.

Post your robot so you can share it with everyone.

multiple servos

how do you use multiple servos on the same picaxe board just hook them up to 1, 2, 3 …ports?? and put the code like servo 2,150 etc?? has anyone tried this?

by the way how do you create a new page?? is it the same as posting a new topic in forum??

Yes, multiple servos can be

Yes, multiple servos can be hooked up to the Picaxe 28X1 - 8 in total, on the 8 digital output pins. And yes, in the code you refer to which pin it is, like this Servo X, Y - where X is the port (0-7), and Y is the position (75-225).

For posting more on LMR, look at the front page, top left.

okay i posted hope i get some good feedback and replies


would a switch be ok?