How to make your first robot

Thank You

I was wondering how to make a robot that moves on its own, thanks! I haven’t made it yet but I’m going to. I bet its going to be so much fun!


oh! i got it now but ithink I would rather use the SRF05 at least I think thats what its called.

do any of you guys out there

do any of you guys out there know how fritsl got his robot to spin his head while driving if your out there fritsl then do you think you could give me the code for the head spinning while driving?

P.S. I got robot to play a quick little tune whenever he starts up

P.P.S my robot keeps running into walls whenever he drives nearly parralel to it so it would be great if you could give me the code to turn the servo and read distance while driving so he dosen’t smash his luxorias CD case body! :wink:

plz. respond!


Hello everybody!

First of all I would like to thank Fristl for making such a wonderful and easy to follow tutorial. If I had not come across this website, I probably would have never taken an interest in robotics.

Also thanks to all members who have contributed to this site. Everytime I sign in there is always new content to explore!

In the tutorial, you mentioned the ability to add LEDs and various other accessories. However, I was wondering that since an LED uses a lot less power than the other components, would it be neccessary to add a resistor to reduce the voltage that is going to the LED? Please correct me if I an wrong since I am fairly new.

Thanks in advance

The microcontroller itself

The microcontroller itself is usually suitable to hook up LED’s to. Look up the function “portc” in the manuals. That is making an input port into an output port, and these pins are not connected to Darlington, motor driver etc - they go straigt to the Picaxe on the board in this manual.

When this is said, I have to say that there are many, many different types of LED’s and of course it depends on which you have, how much power it can take.

Get a couple so you can experiment, or read the documentation for your LED’s. However, I never think I’ve fried one by using the input ports :slight_smile:

You typically need a

You typically need a resistor to limit the current through your LED so you don’t burn it out. See the post “How to make LEDs glow not blow!


Thanks a ton Fritsl and ignoblegnome!

is the picaxe 28x1 the same

is the picaxe 28x1 the same as the 28x2 only not as pimped out?

Pretty Much

Hello Robokid!

I think that both the first and second generation microcontroller are basically the same, with the exception being that the second generation chip has i2c/spi bus support and allows use of some touch sensors. I am guessing that the people over at Picaxe also fixed some general bugs from the first chip. 

Hope this helps.

Student robot maker

This document provides a

This document provides a briefing on the X2 Picaxe parts.

thanks a lot finally a robot of my own

Thank you so much the robot works!!!..actually Im yet to try the spark sensor…seems to hav a crack on 1 of the lenses but hope it works…btw can u make a program with which my robot can go on a pre determined route …high 4 : high 7 something something tat makes the wheels go round but how do u make it  pause after a few seconds and then turn right den go again??



Congratiolations :)The best

Congratiolations :slight_smile:

The best way to go from here is just to try and experiment with the code yourself, and see what happens :slight_smile:

thanksok now im having some


ok now im having some problem with the sensor and servo wen i put in the code which u gave i.e.,

if the sensor detects something, the servo keeps rotating like crazy and never stops and the wheels donnt go forward at all plz help!!


Post a separate forum

Post a separate forum question with details, details, details.

Give us pictures, code, etc.

ok now iv got a serious

ok now iv got a serious problem …got the sensor to work but the servo just keeps rotating 360 degrees when the wheels are moving forward …again and again and the wires get tangled up seriously need some assistance in the coding part

If your servo is turning 360

If your servo is turning 360 degrees, it is a modified servo. Standard servos only turn some 190 degrees.

Actually they are also

Actually they are also programmed different and have different options, but you should just read the Picaxe documentation on the difference. it is very straight forward to find info :slight_smile:


Hello DBT!

Are you using a standard servo or a continuos rotation servo? Standard servos cannot turn a full 360 degrees…

an aerial view of my servo…i got the programming done but without the use of servo…wen ever i type in the code which is givin in this site…the servo keeps rotating and entanges itself

** this is the aerial view**


this is the aerial view