How to make your first robot

amiya gear box

g’day,  sorry for the long wait in answering.  The answer is yes.  The Tamiya gearbox works quite well actually.  Just dont forget to put a little bit of lithium grease or similar on the gears or the noise will drive you nuts  :slight_smile:

I also used the offroad tyres and two levels.  I’ll do some pix and post them later.

good luck



Sharp Ir

when i attempt to  plug in this code:


readadc 0, b0


goto main

I dont recieve any readings telling me how far away my hand is from the sensor. I bought a wire from trossen robotics from the internet but it seems the colors and locations of the wires on mine are different than those of yours. Could that be the problem??

why not obeying??

i have built the robot, it worked perfectly for the first day and obeyed all orders.

but on the second day when i tried it again, it didnt work…i changed the batteries and everything. even when i sent the orders the software confirmed that it was a succesful, but it still didnt move. only soft sounds(as if something is going on from inside) was herd.

please help!!! tommorow i have a presentation in school for this thing, how can i make it work…what should i do???

is it because of the batteries??? please help as fast as possible:(

i worked so hard on it:(


Test one thing at a

Test one thing at a time.

Write code that only does one thing, and see if it works. If yes, try next thing. If no, at least you know that much, and can tell us that. I hope you make it :slight_smile:

The colors does not

The colors does not matter.

What really do matter is that the right thing is connected to the right thing. If you have connected it wrong, then there is a big chance that it is fried, I am sorry.

One thing you can always try is to unplug the distance sensor, and run that code. Then place your finger on top of all the analoge pins. That should give you some (crazy) readings. if not, then somehing else is wrong.

You are not telling us if you have opened the debugging window?

can i use a different servo?

Hello fellow roboticans :slight_smile:

That is one really superb robot and an educational one too, I have an incie wincie problem I got a different servo from solarbotics :

Looks a lot different from yours will I still be able to make a robot like yours I’m a newbie so just curious and anxious.

Sure, that will work just as

Sure, that will work just as well as any standard servo :slight_smile:

I am trying this project

I am trying this project with a board which havent a motor driver so servo motor should be used for small dc motors  ,can i use this code? pls replay


I bought the kit from solarbotics last week put the whole thing together following the directions precisely, plugged the battery in waited snif sniff nothing smells funny but when I plugged it in to my computer and search for the firmware it says “cannot find hardware in com1” do you know why this is? I’ve even tride on different computers like fritsl said in the tutorial but it still doesn’t work.


I bought the kit from solarbotics last week put the whole thing together following the directions precisely, plugged the battery in waited snif sniff nothing smells funny but when I plugged it in to my computer and search for the firmware it says “cannot find hardware in com1” do you know why this is? I’ve even tride on different computers like fritsl said in the tutorial but it still doesn’t work.


Sorry I posted twice!

If you are using different

If you are using different harware (a servo instead of a motor), your code should be different, to match that hardware.

"My car will not start" :slight_smile:

"My car will not start" :slight_smile: it is very hard to get an idea of what is wrong, whith this describtion alone.

Obviously something is wrong somewhere, but without seeing what you have done, it is impossible to do anything but wild guessing.

Here are some things to try:

Make sure your board gets the power it needs. And that the cable goes to it from the computer.

Make sure that the chips pins are in all holes.

Go through Picaxes documentation.

Send us detailed sharp images of your setup :slight_smile:


And let us know when you found out what went wrong, so others can learn, thanks :slight_smile:

i did it!

It turns out that the driver that I installed happened to be in the wrong folder so i had to copy the folder and put in a section so if you had/having the same problem as I did then down loading the pic. driver file will not work you need to redirect it to where your computer needs it which you can find out by opening the progrsming editor clicking on the options tab and then opening the port tab and opening up the USB help section and reading/following the section 3.1 

help turning

i got my robot to work but when ever it strait at a wall it will turn one direction the best way but then when it reads again it will turn back around to where it started is there a way to make it turn to a greater angle than the angle that it turns in the tutorial like maybe by the code for turning it like instead of high5  low6  low4  high7 have high5 low6 low4 high7 high5 low6 low4 high7 or would that be wrong?

Time to experiment and learn :slight_smile:
Really, the best thing you can do for yourself here, is to experiment. Try to change something in the code, upload it, and see what happens :wink:


hey frits how did you get your robot to turn nearley 180 degrees when there was an obsticle?

got it!

my motors wires were messed up. it looked normal when it drove foward but when it went to turn right (because there was no obsticle) it would turn left so it always turned towards the obsticle. so i labeled my motors to make it easier to figure out what the problem was. I know I could have just changed the code with the high and lows but working with the actual hardware is much much easier for me!

P.S. I’m only twelve so this is the first time ive actualy raked in a substantial amount of cash to buy a microcontroller, servo, sharp, two motors, and all those little wires so ive never realy got to work with a microcontroller. The only thing close was a 555 but who hasn’t! ;) 


if I used the paralax ping))) would i be able to plug it in the same place as the sharp and still use the same code?

pls. reply!

NO, for Ping))) you need LMR’s search function

Or in this case, the LMR find function.