How to make your first robot

Resetting is done by

Resetting is done by pressing the little Reset button on the board itself. Note that it needs power to be reset. However, this is unlikely to be the thing that needs to be done.

This one can be hard to debug, specially without pictures or video of everything. Also, you are having some problems related to your computer, but you are not telling what platform you are running on (PC / Mac / Linux) But let me try a few hints to where you could have problems, and how you can check stuff:

  • Are your chips inserted the right way around? (Marking on chip and board in same direction)
  • Are all the pins from all the chips inserted into the slots, or are some pressed outside?
  • Are you sure you got power to your board? I do not know what tools you have, and there are many ways to check it. But make sure that there is 4,5 - 6V, with + and - in the right spots on the board. if it is at one spot on the board, you are safe. But do check one spot on the board. If you do not know how to do this with what you have got, then start a new forum topic, show what you have of tools, and ask the question there on how to see if the board get’s the power it needs. (that way e can help others with the same task)
  • Is your cable inserted all the way on the board?

If none of this helps, I will have to ask you to send us (good, sharp, well lit) pictures of every part of your entire setup. From screenshots to battery and board from 4 angles. Then I am pretty ure we can help :slight_smile:

**Thank you sboy9869 **

I will keep that into mind the problem is i am really young and i would like this to be my inspiration bot to lead me to try to make others Thank you again for the respond


Thank you:)

The problem  is i am young and wanted this to be my inspiration bot. thank you for your nice and friendly responce and i will keep it in mind:)


1st step

My suggestion would be to get the kit first from here…

then sit down and lay all the parts out on a table.  Slowly go through and identify each piece and follow the construction instructions above and see what each piece is for and what it does. Become familiar with all the parts before you try puting it together. There is no time limit on how long it takes to learn this.

Even if it takes a few weeks or even longer,  at the end it is yours and you made it.  Trust me,  it was as exciting for me as it will be for you.

If you run into a problem,  then ask questions.  There are no such things as stupid questions,  only stupid mistakes,  usually from not asking questions… heh heh

While you are waiting for your kit to arrive,  go over the tutorial and it wont be confusing when you start building yours.

It’s like the old saying…

" how do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time."

I’ll be waiting for your first questions  :slight_smile:

clear skies






Im very grateful

Im very grateful that you gave this comment every one else said it was too difficult for me to handle. I will save up to buy the kit and i have some questions already:

1 For the soldering where can i get the equipment and is it really difficult to use because in the comments i saw in quote “I Love it but my soldering was awful”!

2 Can the programming work on a dell computer

3 Can i find out which parts are what by the pictures and are the step by step instructions easy to follow for you

THANK YOU and i will remember not to shy from asking questions:)



Im very grateful

Im very grateful that you gave this comment every one else said it was too difficult for me to handle. I will save up to buy the kit and i have some questions already:

1 For the soldering where can i get the equipment and is it really difficult to use because in the comments i saw in quote “I Love it but my soldering was awful”!

2 Can the programming work on a dell computer

3 Can i find out which parts are what by the pictures and are the step by step instructions easy to follow for you

THANK YOU and i will remember not to shy from asking questions:)




sorry for posting twice


G’day,1 For the soldering


1 For the soldering where can i get the equipment and is it really difficult to use because in the comments i saw in quote “I Love it but my soldering was awful”!

You can get a small soldering setup in most hardware or electronics stores.  Practice is the key to soldering. Wait for the iron to get hot,  my way to check is to hold it 6 " from my cheek and if I can feel the heat, it is usually hot enough. Use resin core solder.  It’s on a roll and it looks like wire.  Put the iron on the wire or point to be soldered for about 2 seconds then apply the solder gently and only a little bit. Let it cool then have a close look at it.  If it looks rough and crappy, touch the soldering iron to it for a slightly longer time.  You’ll see if it’s good or not.

 Then practice,  practice, and in between practicing,  do some more practice.  You should pick it up quite quickly.  

2 Can the programming work on a dell computer


3 Can i find out which parts are what by the pictures and are the step by step instructions easy to follow for you

Yes and Yes


clear skies














3 Can i find out which parts are what by the pictures and are the step by step instructions easy to follow for you


i found a solder and if you dont mind please look it up to see if this is good for this project:

Weller SP23LK Marksman 25 Watt Soldering Iron Kit

Eureka… not so much

I had the two chips switched, I just switched them back and after testing it… it dident work : ( . Now I am having second thoughts about my driver and USB cable. Could you walk me through the process of downloading the driver. I’m using a PC, I followed your link to and fond the driver and downloaded it. But for some reason every time I plug in the USB it searches for a driver and never finds it… so frustrating!

Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.


g’day,  this is the driver you need.  I seemed to have the same problem at the beginning but didn’t go far enough down the page.

Also, always use the same usb port otherwise you have to reload the driver if you change from one usb port to another. I’m assuming your using the cable that came with the kit or similar,  and not a USB to Serial convertor cable.




also,  when you unzip it,  unzip to your desktop.  That way if you need to load it again,  it’s easy to find.  After you get it all working,  move it into a robotics folder possibly in your " My Documents"  area.



Cant find driver

I cant find the driver when i plug in the usb. How do i install this.

I would like to try an dhelp

I would like to try an dhelp you, but I think it is best if you try and find the documentation on the Picaxe site. Because they tend to change the info there, so if we write something on LMR, it will be outdated at some time.

Look Again

Ok i will look again, one last question though, my kit didnt come with the yellow motor driver thing. However, it came with two black ones. SO i just used a black one instead of the yellow one. Am i wrong?

Yes, sometimes the yellow

Yes, sometimes the yellow Chip comes in black. I thought I wrote that, no? Hmm…

Yea you did…my bad.

Yea you did…my bad. Anyway, got it working. Woohoo. Just need to order the cable for the sensor and i can really get things goin. Fornow, i have it driving around the house. Thanks sooo much.


Do I need to run the driver or will it work on its own if so how do I run it cause no document in there says its an application? Because I downloaded it again, but again when I click firmware vision it does not work, it just says that there is a problem. To unzip the driver you press extract files correct, because thats what Ive been doing, could that be the problem?


i did everything and foloowed all the steps.

but when i enetered instruion in the software for my robot like( servo 0, 150)

it didnt do nothing even after pressing f5.

please tell me what i should do.i dont want to stop at this point after working so hard for my first robot:(


firstly,  double make sure it’s plugged in the right way and in the right position.  Then while it’s still turned off,  by hand,  turn the servo disk or whatever you are using on top, back and forwards to make sure it’s not already centered. Turn it so it’s off to one side and leave it.  Now turn the bot back on and watch the servo and see if it moves.  If it does re center itself then TA DA :slight_smile:

If it doesn’t,  then go back and recheck your wiring and layout.


good luck
