How to make your first robot

Sorry, but if this is beyond

Sorry, but if this is beyond you, you should find another hobby. (or wait till you get older, get someone to help etc)


are the tamiya dual motor gearbox motors good enough to use for the picaxe

itā€™s alive!!!

After finding this site,Ā  IĀ went and Ā bought the LMR kit from Solarbotics and after some stupid mistakes and a week of rude words and a lot of beerā€¦ it is now waltzing around the kitchen floor avoiding things thrown in and terrorising the cat.Ā  This is my first autonomous bot that has actually worked and Iā€™m a tad chuffed.Ā  I typed all the code in and didnā€™t cut and paste it.Ā  A great Idea as you get to understand a lot of the background to the code.

Thanks Fritsl your a legend.



Well, thank you so very much

Well, thank you so very much :slight_smile: And congratiolations ! :slight_smile:

I hope you will show us what you create.

Instead of sticking all the

Instead of sticking all the bits together I used some Pololou round chassis with the small metal motors and wide treaded wheels. Works like a dream and gives me heaps of room for mods and extra batteries if needed.Ā  Iā€™ll do some pix and when I work out how to post them,Ā  will :)Ā 

"when will the fun ever stop?"

clear skies



inserting pix?

Ok,Ā  stop laughingā€¦ How do I stick a pic of my little beast in here and where?Ā  Do I put it in my website then do a link to it?

clear skies



tamiya gear box

Iā€™ll let you know.Ā  Iā€™ve just started my next beast and am using the same gearbox.Ā Itā€™s the same as the LMR layout but with the Tamiya gearing and wheels.

Read the LMR manual

Itā€™s called About.

Gā€™day Rik, thanks mate.

Gā€™day Rik,Ā  thanks mate.


If the rangefinder gp2d12 is discontinued what other rangefinder will be in the kit iā€™ll order? do i have to buy it seperatly or you change it for me?


The Beast

hereā€™s some pix of my beast.



range finder

when I ordered my kit from Solarbotics,Ā  instead of the gp2d12,Ā  I got the longer range version

I didnā€™t use it as I already had a couple of the originals but will try it out on my next one.Ā  I assume when you do the test to see it working,Ā  then you work out the distance you want it to work at then take the number you have on the screen and insert that number as your target distance.

9V snap

The Picaxe board has a 9v battery snap on it, in stead of cutting it off, why not add a battery snap hooked up in reverse polarity so when you hook it up to the programming board it is the correct polarity. Then you have a choice between recharcheable and non reacharchable so you dont have to cut and resolder.



You can do that, yes :slight_smile:

You can do that, yes :slight_smile:

:smiley: (:

great bot plan to buy one

Never shall I hear a discouraging word

Donā€™t mind firtsl, I started robotics in 4th grade, if you truly beleive and study up you can deffinitly make this robot. If you need any help with terms. start a forums page, and Other LMRers and I will help you get on your way.

Cool but

Iā€™ve thought of making this but do not seem to have the skill. Do you know how i could get the robot already made because this is one of the best robots on this entire site to me.


Gā€™day, I think the idea of

Gā€™day,Ā  I think the idea of this site is to show you how to build the bots not supply them ready made and programed.Ā  To get this bot ready to run,Ā  someone would have to buy it,Ā  make it,Ā  program it and then forward it to you.Ā  Could end up being a very expensive " Lets make robots"Ā  first project. If someone is willing to do that and your willing to pay,Ā  then it would be a great practice excercise for someone.


clear skies



I am a very novice robot builder. This is my first robot and i followed theĀ guideĀ lines to a tee, i had no trouble with putting the robotĀ togetherĀ but when it came to programing the thing I got stuck. I had to search for the right driver, i think i have the right one, in fact I know I have the right one. I downloaded the programing software then when I click Check Firmware Version and it does not find anything. It gives me three possible problems, one the thingĀ is notĀ powered, two the robot is not connected or it needs to be reset, I believe it needs to be reset because I made sure it was poweredĀ and it is obviously hooked up. Is it possible that it needs to be reset? If so how do i do that, or is my computer notĀ recognizingĀ the hardware? If so how do i fix that? sorry for the novice questions.

Please do mind me :wink:

Regardless of your age; If your angle and response to a very long and thought through set of instructions, made as simple as they can be, is an ā€œcan you make it a little easier pleaseā€ā€¦ Well, then you are not capable of lifting the complete task. Period.Ā 
