How to make your first robot


can you somehow connect a bluetooth module to the picaxe to controll it from a pc a cell phone just wondering.

Yes, no problem.A) Find the

Yes, no problem.

A) Find the bluetooth module that you would like to use

B) Connect it - and if problems

C) Read the manual. If still problems: Please post a seperate forum post with the questions.


Thanks for the replies

Just replying to say thanks for the replies, thanks for helping out a mostly clueless newb to robotics :).

Still no luck on getting the motor to run at the same speeds in my current setup, but since its my first robot and its not a major issue or speed difference im pretty content on living with it for now.

Im already planning my next project, and ill post it up when its done. Some kind of concoction of the first and a tracked robot we ll  see how it comes out!

Thanks for replying solarbotics, I have my purchase information so i might just get in contact when i begin to cannibilise my starter bot and have no luck on directly testing the motors. If ive gone over whatever timeframe thats acceptable for a return, then its fine - the bundle was a great package, and a great service was provided overall. WIll definetly be ordering more stuff when needed.

Until then, thanks all.

I hope there’s “LIKE” button

I hope there’s “LIKE” button in LMR as Facebook! LOL!!!

Hi, if instead of connecting

Hi, if instead of connecting a speaker I connect a piezo,will I have to use the Darlington chip as well?

Would it damage the MCU if it is connected directly to the resistor array?  Thanks

The Darlington array won’t

The Darlington array won’t be able to drive a piezo very well at all by itself, since it can only drive an output low - piezo’s need to switch between high and low to work. Fortunately piezo speakers are super-low power devices, so you can safetly connect it directly to one of your micro’s outputs, or connect it via the resistor array.

Thanks for your quick and

Thanks for your quick and kind answer Telefox, I just tried the piezo and 2 LED and it worked ok for a few minutes but now the robot is acting weird. I will try to make a few changes inside the code and see if the outputs are ok. Picaxe 28x1 supports LED according to the datasheet. Thanks again :slight_smile:

series capacitor

You might have better results with a capacitor in series (between output pin and buzzer). 100 micro Farad or more will do it. Those size tend to be polarized, but in this application that makes little difference.

Thanks rik. Polarized

Thanks rik.  Polarized electrolytic?


The word electrolytic only refers to the kind of dielectric between the capacitor’s “plates”. But yeah, those are always polarized. That means that you must obey the plus/minus signs for the leads. But this application has no high/low sides for the cap. So forget about it. Just this once.



Thanks again guys :slight_smile:

Thanks again guys :slight_smile:


if i switch the infrared  eyes with another {as it said in the required items list} the new robot eyes dont come with the infrared

eyes cable? why switch then?

I am sorry, I don’t follow

I am sorry, I don’t follow you.

Are you buing the package, or are you buying the items yourself?

A hopeful suggestion

Wow, your tutorial is great! (Despite the fact that I don’t understand it 100% being the beginner I am

However, I didn’t get a lot of the terms and such.

Though the picture resolution is amazing, I wish there could have been arrows drawn to show the reader what you’re talking about.


And I was hoping, could you do a similar (a little easier!) tutorial for young, beginning builders? I felt a lot of this seemed

Though I’m young, I’m really interested. I just wish the tutorial was simpler for my simple brain!

Thank you!


im also young can you make it a little easier please im 10 years old and i am very interested


I wanted to ask how to handle the three chips that are sensitive to static electricity.

Please tell me what precautions to take. Thank u


How did you connect the Sharp to the board.  I saw the video but it doesn’t specify how to connect the pins on the Sharp to the ones on the board.  I tried to put three female to female wires but they do not fit only two fit.  Please explain to me how to connect those pins.

They’re not really that

They’re not really that sensitive, so many people don’t bother with static protection at all. Just try to avoid touching the pins unnecessarily, don’t wear a big woolen/polar fleece jumper or anything static-prone, and try to keep your chips in anti-static bags when you’re not using them.

Please read and watch the

Please read and watch the above again, it is all covered in details.