How to make your first robot

Seriel or parralel is your

Seriel or parralel is your question here. And there is no reason to chose paralel. However, Seriel is, as said, not a good idea for a beginner. Go for the LED instead. One step at a time.

Yeah, I was almost certain
Yeah, I was almost certain you meant LED, but I stand corrected. The reason I thought you meant LED is because LCDs are much harder to setup. It would be pretty ambitious to try to set one up at this skill level, best to take small steps. But if you have the confidence that you will be able to do it, then by all means go for it. When i finished my start here robot, I built it again, with a chassis. Then I added a power switch, then I added an LED. Then I played around with better programming, to get it to react differently in various situations. Then I moved on to a robotic arm, and it was a little beyond my skill level. i wasted alot of time and money on that one and eventually dismantled it. Learned alot though. But it was a little discouraging. So now I am working on a simpler project, To try and learn more of the fundamentals, so I actually know how to go about doing things the right way and knowing how to ask the right questions.

Excactly! :slight_smile:

Excactly! :slight_smile:

so i can put the comments

so i can put the comments you said in the editor

What? I do not understand if

What? I do not understand if this is a question or what it is.

Great tutorial

First of all, I’d like to thank you for posting the tutorial on behalf of the  masses that have come and learnt from here!

Awesome job!


There’s one thing I wanted to ask. The components are, not extremely, but a bit expensive.

So after I’m done making this bot, what are the other things I can do to take it to the next level ? Like, can I make the bot go wireless or something like that ?

If yes, are can you tell me where can I look on the site to search for things that I can do after building this bot ?


Thanks a lot for looking and once again, thank you very much for the magnificent and concise tutorial.

The next project using the same components

This tutorial was written (and painstakingly maintained) by Frits as an introduction into robot making. After this project you should have a good idea of what you like about it and what you don’t like (as much).

It could be programming. The next logical step would be to reprogram the existing hardware. Give it different behaviour.
It could be mechanical building. With little extra hardware you could expand the robot.
It could be electronics. Add anything you like. Or make it all work better.

There are no ready made tutorials for all these different paths. But our website is full of inspirational ideas and friendly people wanting to help you.

Although, if you follow this tag link: How to make your first robot, you might find two more fine tutorials by Frits.

Thank you, my wingman and

Thank you, my wingman and very talented person rik :smiley:

And just to follow up, rockinruler: You can get many extremely cheap components, like a radio-control for USD 2, or an LED or a servo or… mix it all with your imagination, and you can make a ton of new robots from the “Start here-kit”. Most of my own, and many, many more robots use just these, and a few extra parts. But you can also go the other way, and spend a lot of money - all up to you.

Start doing the first one, and take it from there :slight_smile:


Member since: October 2010


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Location: Mumbai, Maharshta, India


But our website is full of inspirational ideas and friendly people wanting to help you.

That is very motivating. Thank you. I will surely check the links out :slight_smile:


Point noted :slight_smile: Thank you

Fritsl still has you

Fritsl still has you covered, with this walk through on connecting the SRF05 to the Picaxe-28 project board.

does my robot speak

can i make my robot speak specific words.

LMR is thah best!

LMR is thah best!


search our site for “speech” or "mp3"

you will need some extra hardware

How would I hook up a ldr

How would I hook up a ldr


the problem is the code fritsl posted for the SR05 it is not working

A) If you want to reply to a

A) If you want to reply to a comment, click “Reply”, not “Post new”.

B) I know for a fact that the code is working, as I am using it frequently myself - I look at that page and copy the code every time I have to hook up an SRF05, and that is often :slight_smile:

This question should be in a

This question should be in a seperate forum post, but the answer is here:


If the code is not working

If the code is not working for you, then something is probably wrong with your set up.

Instead of posting to his forum, please post a new forum question. Provide detail on your set up. Pictures and diagram help. The better information you provide, the better we can help you.

Thank you

Thank you