How to Make a Robot - Lesson 2: Choosing a Robotic Platform

Sir, please give an example for the program prepared for a robot like ASIMO.

@Aravind Krishnan S There are three main kinds: Computer Generated Images (CGI) which are entirely computer-generated and fake; Animatronics puppets which incorporate many robotic features, but when it comes to more complex motion like walking (for example Terminator 2), the robots are often supported and motion is “faked”. Last, they sometimes use real robots, though these tend to be far simpler like tracked and wheeled. Normally the “cool” looking robots with legs or that fly are fake.

@Aravind Krishnan S The code loaded on ASIMO took dozens of engineers and many years to put in place. We suggest starting far simpler.

what an amazing tutorial! thanks for your effort

Beautiful article ! :slight_smile: Thankyou


how do you make a pet robot that follows you

@kitty Take a look at the practical example in lesson 2:

I’m electric engineering and my world goes around robots and special artificial intelligence so thanks you for this topic

Very helpful for my research

If I wanted to make a skid steer would I need a motor for each wheel ?

@GAV Yes, each wheel would need a motor.

Best website ever!

what parts of a simple robot can be made from simple things at home?

@John Normally the frame can be made from materials around the house, and you can usually find some spare motors, batteries and battery holders as well. What is a lot harder to find is something programmable, as well as the controllers.

I shared this hoping it was going to teach me alot. All of us want to learn thats why we are here. Lets start a RAMA group for robotics arts music and animation. search openinvent or bitsfit for ideas.

I want to learn with you guys. visit me on

i want to build a robot although I’m 14 years old I’m not doing it for fun I’m doing it for knowledge I’ve planed for a future that contains technology and robots are the top priority i have to make a new invention

@Lost Keeper Ideally you would be doing it both for fun and knowledge :wink:

I want to a two legged robot like the one in the photo of two legged robot.

@Asad Farraj The robot shown is the SoftBank Nao humanoid which we do not sell. You can find humanoids here: