How to Make a Robot - Lesson 2: Choosing a Robotic Platform

i want to make a robote but dont have any idea about robote what should i do .
plz tell to me as soon as possible

Hi Everybody.

Thank you for the great feedback, we really appreciate it. In order to get help with making robots, we suggest you visit our forum: RobotShop Community Forum

There you will be able to find help from the RobotShop technical team and from other roboticists.

robotics is so interesting subject but why do not you use the robots in army and in security stations

it is interesting

I AM waiting for other lessons… when they are published?

robotics concept its so interesting…iam waiting for next lesson

When are the other lessons published? I see that they stopped at Lesson 3 and the rest are grayed out. Any info?

awesome yaar…

dat was wow :slight_smile:

why ???//////

Could you show me how to do this in a live video stream on a certain time? I’d really like to see it and ask some questions.

I myself usually use ustream or maybe they’ll help ya.

If yould be willing to do it then let me know, I’d be 100% there to watch it.


hiii frns this is a gud place for the beginners who are interested in robotics…

I’m waiting the next lesson 3

Plz give me suggestion bcs i want to make a robot i hope u r give me essy matheds

We can give you many different suggestion because there are several kits and parts available.
The best would be for you to create a new topic post on the RobotShop forum so we can help and guide you.

What is the best place to get supplies for robots?

@hhopp366 We do our best to offer as large a selection of quality robots and robot parts from respected manufacturers.

i want to make a new robot for my class

waw so nice…
i have no word.

Are the robots used in the films real?