How to Make a Robot - Lesson 2: Choosing a Robotic Platform

sir , i want to know the principle involved in the construction of bi-ped legs and its control . can u please send answer to my question in my mail

very nice information to learn merits and demerits adout robots in all source,

anyone who have any idea (procedure,equipment,and anything else)about water robot then please tell us…
[email protected] or [email protected]
WE shall be thankful to you…
we want our country to look like Japan…

can u show me more about the arm and gripper?
tat is more interesting 4 me…tq^^

hy can i know how to make a very simple robot without progammed and work on wiring it with remote

This project about making a speech controlled robot is then perfect for you:

Slt ! J’aimerai bien apprendre comment interagir avec un robot par voie vocale…
Merci de m’aider…
Hi ! I wants learn about voice commands in robotic…
Books, sites, and more…
Plz help me…

i like this website verymuch this is good job for every person as who want to know about robot& learn to make the robot.

i wants to learn robotics components. plz guide me


I am gaining lots of information and this a good platform for beginers…Thanks a lot

i m beiginer for learning the robotics skill. i don’t know how to make successful robot. please help me to make the Robot for wars and game.

i m new in robotic…………….Is there anyone who will help me???

this is very important for robotics students

i am so happy to read the lesson’s i am eagerly waiting for the further lessons

i m new in robotic…Is there anyone who will help me???

dat was interesting… :slight_smile:

nice …very helpful thanx

i am lady gagga

gggggggggggooooooooooooooo diego gggggggggooooooooooooo

you should tell us more and how to make a robotic arm, anyway that was cool