How do you survive and building bots?

I have always wondering, What all LMRs do for living? I know some of us are really building robots for daily bread. Well, I have to save every penny to build robots and also lieing to my wife for new parts as "Oh! those package are just exchanged parts~". 

Actually, I am an interactive web designer, not much relate to robot.

So, how about your story??

I’m actually an Artificial

I’m actually an Artificial Intelligence student (in the Netherlands)

Dont have to much money to build robots :frowning:

What you do

I retired as an engineer at the University of California in 2002, moved to Arizona and became a cop.

Work for burgerking, but I

Work for burgerking, but I am attending Kettering University for Electrical and Computer engineering next fall.

RoboCop ?:slight_smile:

RoboCop ?


I’m an ASP.NET application

I’m an ASP.NET application developer. With twin girls age 6 I don’t get all that much time anymore.
Luckily I get refund for my work on anything related to my robots for the University of Oslo.

Totally unrelated to robotics

Or electronics or programming.

I’m a retired sign-maker (plus quite a few other occupations along the way. I’ve always considered myself an “engineer”).

Pension doesn’t stretch very far when you’re buying robot bits, though ;) 

I’m a hydrometerologist…

…working for a River Authority doing river/stream flood modeling, designing rainfall radiotelemetry networks and developing flood a forecasting system.

I have the money, but family demands and home repairs/improvement leave little time. I do manage to get a few hours a week to work on robot stuff, though.

LOL~ This is exactly what I

LOL~ This is exactly what I just wanna reply!! A robot guy with big pistol.

PC Support Technician

PC Support Technician with delusions of Sys Admin.

Hehe…no guns allowed

Hehe…no guns allowed around here.

And even robot making is hard since the dutch cabinet wants students to finish their studies or else pay a 3000 euro fine per year. (and loss of ‘free traveling’ with public transport).

Doing something ‘outside the box’ gets you punished in the Netherlands… well @ least it is becoming so (stupid government!).


Air cond,refrigeration,heating and controles tech…but retired since a few years. Electronic and electrical has always been part of my field and hobbies as well. Since I’ve discovered LMR my interest in robotic is growing everyday. Got a good pension plan I must admit…but my 30 yo son is a priority for me. Thanks an best wishes.


I have always built robots. In the 70’s I had all kinds of enthusiasm but little money, now I have money, parts, and test equipment but little enthusiasm. This website has deffinitely jump-started my robot building and I will be posting a blog on my next project.

BTW Here in Arizona, anyone without a criminal record can carry a firearm openly, or concealed. It’s not unusual to go into a drug store or Walmart and see someone with a sidearm.

We even have a liquor store near here with a drive-up window that also sells guns and amo. You can pick up a few hundred rounds of 40cal and a case of Bud Lite.

I am a self-employed

I am a self-employed computer consultant since 1984.   have worked with many different types of hardware and software systems.   mostly developing SQL databases and MS Access applications, as well as setting up all kinds of servers and networks, large and small, etc.   Back in the 90’s I sold the stuff, but not anymore.

I’m getting into robotics as an extension of what I already do.   I dont have any clients calling for it yet, but I’ll continue to educate myself on the topic.  I think thats tax deductible too!  :wink:

"tax deductible", I like

"tax deductible", I like that! :smiley:

Field engineer in oil&gas

Field engineer in oil&gas industry, but my education is computer science, and after all ‘programmer’ is a state of mind :slight_smile:

30 years as a software

30 years as a software developer, currently doing mostly SQL and Windoze. I did a lot of firmware and drivers in the 80s, so I understand low level coding. Got into robotics as moonlighting favor to a friend, though it could have a nice payoff; I am working for piece of the pie since they really can’t afford to pay my regular rate. I am finding I enjoy this a lot more than my regular job, so I hope the project leads to something.

Hello Geir

I’d love to know how you got the deal with the University of Oslo !  Do they determine the projects or do you?  How did you get started with that ?



Software Shrubber

I design and create high availability, enterprise applications which allow large software systems the ability to communicate with one another.  I unify disparate and legacy software tribes !  Give me your tired, your poorly written code, / Your huddled massless applications yearning to become freeware !

Ahm, oh I raise chickens, illustrate children’s books, and make kinetic art all on a non-profit level.   I’ve been tinkering with electronics ever since I was old enough to blow the fuse to my parents house.  My artists friends say I’d make a good engineer and my engineer friends say I’d make a good artist (a sarcastic lot !) .   I prefer to re-use or re-purpose parts for robots.  This keeps cost down and also appeals to my arty side.

As for time, I have found that if you don’t sleep you have 8 bonus hours to experiment with!  If this is done for an extended period of time, it can also create very inexpensive hallucinogenics.


University teacher teaching

University teacher teaching electronics I,II and III. I was electronic hobbyist. Now i turned to Robotics. Robotics are too expensive i really don’t know why. I believe that in future Robots must be cheap. In my country (Iraq), people are not familiar with Robotics. I m planing to create new basis for Robotics engineering in Iraq. Hopefully we will build new Robotics lab next year.