
The other day I fund a massage thing in a 1dollar store and turned it into this little robot, it’s not much but it is actuality my first C program done by me self, so I am a little proud of my little new one.
It is made from 2 modified micro servos for continues rotation, a sharp IR sensor for eyes and the 08m2 programmable chip from Picaxe.
I used 2 ball baring so the wheel shaft go true there an take the load away from the servo.
As long there is not thing in front of him he moves on, if he sees something he will turn left, if he comes closer he will turn right and really close he will back off and then move forward again.
And that’s it. hope you like it.

Navigates around via IR sensor

  • Actuators / output devices: Servos micro 8g
  • Control method: Infra Red
  • CPU: PICAXE 08M2
  • Power source: 4.5V (3AA), 3x AA 1
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR sensor GP2D120
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/holanipo

Quote: "It’s not much but it

Quote: "It’s not much but it is actuality my first C program done by me self"

Your first C program with a Picaxe 08M2?


C vs basic
Okay okay maybe Picaxe is not C but if you look at how you do the programming then it is all done by text. I was actually just so satisfied with my little program and thought picaxe was in the C family. please be kind to all of os new programmers an let LMR be a Place for all.

Great job. That really looks

Great job. That really looks like something you would just find in the robot section of the store. Very nice looking.

Well Done!!

Very nice job… compact, creative and whether programming in C, Basic or heaven forbid, punch cards :wink: it is a skill well worth being proud of :) 

Will it drive OK in a straight line (both wheels running simultaneously) or will the rubber wheels cause too much friction due to the angle?

I was going to quote some Big Bang Theory.

I don’t believe the quote would have been quite family friendly enough.

MarkusB and 6677 were not being mean. They were just pointing out a minor misrepresentation. See. You learned something. BASIC != C :smiley:

Congrats on building your own bot.

It is something I have not done yet.

I am with Gunner. Can you drive both wheels and get straight line performance? Would trading the wheels for foam RC airplane wheels help?

Frist of all thanks to all of you for the feedback.
To you Ladvien: I think it would be a cool project ,my first thought was some alien creature from the movie Men in Black put some LEDs and wipers on it and it is well under way.
Gunner and Birdmun: it can drive in a straight line but it is a struggle due to the angle, the wheels are actuality old foam Rc airplane wheels , maybe omni wheels would be perfect here! As it is now ,it’s like walking with wheels and gives him his personality;-)

Good work!

Very nice looking and well behaved robot!  I’m impressed that you fit all of the innards in that small a package - I always end up with more parts than space.

Thanks :slight_smile:
It was not a easy job, I was close to give up but I didn’t. I actually needed to remove the back of the 2 servo motors otherwise they wouldn’t fit in there. I also often end up with more parts than space, but on this built I managed

I love the Wagner soundtrack

I love the Wagner soundtrack in the video. It almost looks like the bot is dancing to the music :slight_smile:

A neat design, to be sure.

Thanks JAX :slight_smile: it was a long birth but he’s worth it, but hey first time is always the hardest :slight_smile: