I been working with a hexapod for a school project, all connections are good and also the code is uploaded. But when I press start or any buttons in the ps2 controller it only beeps indicating its active but the hexapod won’t move. I’m using arduino mega 2560 with a clone ssc32 version 3 and a wireless controller. Can you please help me?
@Dj_Dark Welcome to the RobotShop Community. If you’re trying to use the Phoenix code to make the robot walk, which needs the PS2 library, there’s a good chance it is not directly compatible with a MEGA 2560. There are many things which can easily go wrong such that the robot doesn’t work, from the electrical connections between boards and how they are powered, to library incompatibility etc. If you’re using many different parts which are not in a single kit, that’s effectively custom robotics.