Phoenix code on Arduino and SSC-32u

Thanks for your help.
Works fine. After pressing Start, everything goes into basic position. Then the legs move a little. If I move the yoistick move the legs partly, but I will check
Thank you

Hello,I have a new problem,
After I have pressed the start button, the hexapod goes into the basic position.
Then, however, different servos twitch irregularly.
The other functions go, but at a standstill always with this twitch.
Sometimes everything is OK.
Is there a solution for this.
Batteries are full. It stands on CD spindle.

Thank you

(Arduino Mega + SSC32U + (BotBoarduino_CH3R_PS2))

Can you provide a video?


The video shows how he works right after the start button.
is there a solution.
Connections a hundred times.
All functions go, but always the uncontrolled movements


What are you using for power?

  • Servo power
  • SSC-32U power
  • BotBoarduino power (check the jumpers as well)

Some clear photos of each board would help as well.

Hello CBenson,

Power is 5A strong power supply
Baud rate 38400 SSC32U set
Functions go all
I can also reduce the speed with PSB_PAD_DOWN
Single mode goes also …
But always twitch with the uncontrolled
Thank you

Can you perhaps upload larger images?
It looks like you’re using Robonova servos from Hitec, which are meant to operate at 6V to 7.4V (5V might be low).
However, if you have other standard RC servos, then 7.4V will burn them.

Hello CBenson,

I run the servos with 6V
Normal can not move the servos after start push?
I have also tried only with 3 servos.
Is the program not suitable?
PS2 functions are all OK. Servos
But a lot of servos twitch
Is there another program version?
Thank you

I forgot the pictures

My Servos —HSR-8498HB—

I have already invested a lot of money
It would be a pity if there was no solution.


That’s quite the custom setup. You might want to triple check that all of your servos are connected to the SSC-32U correctly (GND to GND and signal to signal).
You don’t need to power VL on the SSC-32U separately, so you can remove those cables.
Not sure if something might be happening with the wires from the receiver to the Arduino.
Last, check the connection between Tx and Rx from the Arduino to the SSC-32U. Normally you don’t need to connect the SSC-32U’s transmit pin to the microcontroller’s receive pin, but you do need common ground.

Hallo Mr. CBenson,

Tx and Rx to the SSC-32U is nevertheless queried by the program?

#define cSSC_OUT 19 // Output pin for bot - Input of SSC32 (Yellow)
#define cSSC_IN 18 // Input pin for bot - Output of SSC32 (Blue)

A common mass is available!
The same problem without Transmit Pin to the SSC32u!
All servos are connected correctly!
All servos well adjusted!
VL is disconnected, was an attempt.
Wires PS2 controller is a prototype, is improved.

Do you suspect the PS2 controller?
Works with other sketch without problems!

Why do the servos continue to start?
Can I change something in the program?

Thank you

Taking another look at the video - the robot should snap into place when the “start” button is pressed, not start walking.
Can you check the SSC-32’s baud rate, and the baud rate in your code, especially the software serial baud rate?
The two might not be the same.

Hallo Mr. CBenson,

Thank you for the good help,

The baud rates are controlled.
Arduino 57600 …
SSC32U 38400 …
It also works
Can I buy something new to make it work?
Thank you


The Arduino serial code is set to 57600, but can you ensure the software serial baud rate is 38400 (check the code).
The issue you are having likely does not relate to the hardware, and seems to be either a software issue or connection issue.

Hello Mr. CBenson,
I will check again. The code is for SSC32u 38400
The SSC32u is also set (red light)
The green LED flashes during data transmission. (Data OK)
Arduino is set to 57600. Monitor displays. (Everything OK)
With other baud rates (changed in code) the same error.
What else can I try?


Not sure at this time, so it’s best to troubleshoot each section one at a time, starting with the PS2.
There is a chance that your connections to the MEGA are not correct - check the code and then check the pinout. Be sure to understand the pinout.
Next, several of the Lynxmotion versions of the PS2 remote controls have had to use a level shifter.
Ex: … ifter.html
Whereas others do not:
Ex: … er-v4.html

Disconnect the Arduino from everything but the power supply and USB, and try Bill Porter’s PS2 example. Note that the connections between the receiver and the microcontroller are different in his code, so you’ll need to write down your existing setup, and rewire it.

Hello Mr. CBenson

The problem is eliminated. It was missing the level shifter.
Thank you so much.
Now the own building still has to be entered in the code.

(Distance X from center of the body to the right rear coxa)
(Distance Z from center of the body to the right rear coxa)

Are the measurements taken diagonally?
Is there a drawing for the coordinates X Z?

Thank you

A drawing would certainly make sense, but unfortunately we do not have one. The dimensions are taken from axis of rotation to axis of rotation.

Can you provide any help regarding hex dimention on Hex_Cfg.h file?


as shown on the image below? … ntions.jpg

A post was split to a new topic: Hexapod Project Issues