Hexapod of the second world war!

Sorry if I hurt posted. this is my first post, and I'm not very good in English :)


My very first robot.... I know it's… a just toy, it's a real stupid, to begin on robotics it’s not the thing with which to start, It is more an artistic thing rather than robotics.
It’s because I am there where there is anything for creating robots, we have just simple electronic components

Ps : This country is Algeria and I suffer…..lol

Well, I was 17 years I was a little naive and I just started, I have other more interesting creation : )… I'll post after


0 - My géographique location lol

1 - How to tip the robot on each side with small motors (and without gear wheel to increase power because the use of gear wheel is very complicated and needs to be precise).

2 - Rotate the motor in both directions (I haven’t found a "L298")


1 - On turning a bolt that moves the paw (a pen cut in half) in this way we can push heavy things with low power (very effective).

2 - Use 3 relays + buttons that we found in mouse (KLIK KLIK!) At strategic points.

Materials used:

- aluminum.

- There is no micro processor because at that time I did not know programmed it ! juste 3 relays

- 4 motors was recovering like this ---->

How does it walke :



For the circuit that controls the robot .... 3 years are past! I don't remember, it is complicated, all I can say is that it's full of wire that connects the relay and the mouse button to allow the robot to walk.

how dose the middle leg made:


Nb: for stop the leg you must use a button because if the leg go up it well be blocked, and the motor can’t return

just walk

  • Power source: 12v
  • Target environment: on a flat surface

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/hexapod-of-the-second-world-war

Custom Machined Parts
were these custom made? if so, where did you get them machined and how much did they cost?

Very unique robot. It sounds

Very unique robot. It sounds like you had to overcome several major limitations. Good work!

Can you include more detail on how it moves, what motors it uses, what the power source is, and if it uses a microprocessor?

Thanks for the update. Nice

Thanks for the update. Nice mechanics on a walking robot. If you have time to add a schematic of your driver circuit, it would help us understand the sequence the robot uses to move forward.

This is a really inventive bot, and impressive design. You shouldn’t underestimate yourself. I hope we see some more good bots from you soon!


Very inspired work.

Keep it up

Thanks you guys for your comment it’s cool!

In and Out

I love the linear actuators. What are you using for the "screw"?


I think it’s a screw, lol. I
I think it’s a screw, lol. I love style of this robot, it really loks like from world war 2.

I’m glad!

I’m glad that you like it guys!

BaseOverApex: what do you mean “What are you using for the “screw”?” it just a simple scew


Screws and Screws


THIS is a simple screw. The interesting questions are:

How's it attached to the motor?

Given the apparent small size of the motor, why does it appear so friction-free in the barrel of your pen?

Where did you find a nut to fit it?

What prevents the pen barrel from spinning?

Sorry. I'm an engineer. It's not my fault! Your design is brilliant. It actually looks like you had some really good materials to work with!! And your English is not as bad as you think! Are you French-speaking Algerian?

Do you still have the robot platform? Even if you can't remember how it works, I'm quite certain we can add a microprocessor to it (and re-ruse the relays not L298s) for less than US$10, if your're determined. It looks like a good, solid platform.

Machine screw

I strongly suspect it is a machine screw, BOA. That makes it easy to find a matching nut.

I’m not 100% sure, but I think in the picture and the video I can make out that the pencap has a pocket clip on it. The bracket holding the pencap must have a notch cut out that the clip rides in, keeping it from turning.

I’m more and more impressed with the simplicity and elegance of this bot.

I m sorry BOA it’s a bolt

I m sorry BOA it’s a bolt not a screw ! now it must be clear

and sorry again for my languege in Algeria it’s the French 2nd language :slight_smile:


"Screws", “nuts”, “bolts”,

"Screws", “nuts”, “bolts”, “spacers”, “standoff”… i experienced the same problem with OddBot yesterday… As this site is very international one day we should make a big glossary with all the common “technical” terms (meaning terms we don’t learn in school but are useful for robotic hobbyists!) in different languages… French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian etc etc… and their translation in English and why not a picture?

It could really help!


good effort man

On Language

Nonsense. I keep telling folk around here that their English is fine. My experience of people who aren’t native English speakers is that their English is BETTER than those who were born speaking it!!

I was aware that you had diffficulty finding materials, so you may well have used a “simple” screw rather than a “machine” screw.

Do you still have the platform? Let’s revivie it!!

I think he’s saying that
I think he’s saying that what some call a bolt, others call a screw…ectect.


Aw, screw this. I get the message.

Right now, if the platform is still in good condition, it look slike it’s a good enough design that we could stick a PIC in it.

I haven’t the platform I

I haven’t the platform I needed it for another project :’(

but even if I wanted to do it again I do it another way… its very complicated like these