GoRobotics February Robot Prize Giveaway! | RobotShop Community

It’s time once again to give away some cool robot prizes to celebrate the 10th birthday of GoRobotics! If you didn’t win last month’s contest, have no fear, try again this month (and the month after!). We have some great robot prizes from our sponsors, SuperDroid Robots, Apress, and Pololu.


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/blog/show/gorobotics-february-robot-prize-giveaway

For the advancement of cyborg future!

So, who did win this contest?

I am new in robotics and am still waiting for my arduino duemilanove to come, but this stuff would be really useful for me.

Why? So I can further the construction of my robotic minions! insert maniacal laughter here

Happy Birthday!

I am a highschooler who has been getting involved in robotics with a few friends and am taking a few classes next year that involve robotics. Of course, we could use some new stuff to play with

Good Job and congratulations =) I luv the site and all robot stuffs! wish someday work for MIT tought…

Thanks, following on Twitter. Username is FatBernard

|When I die I want to go to the Great Robotics Lab in the sky|

With the right tools a creative mind can make anything. I’ve got the creative mind, I would like to win the tools.

Now subscribed on twitter:

Winning would be great with 3 other hungry engineering minds at home. Boys 5, 4 and 4.

I have subscribed and retweeted.

Thanks! Jeff

i should win cause i think the penguin robot is adorable!! :slight_smile:

twitter @kgrifant

Are atheists welcome to enter?

“Whether you eat, or drink, [or build robots], or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” - 1 Cor. 10:31

I would like to win so I could give the prize to my son’s best friend. He loves robotics!

I would love to win to give my favorite robot: The Robot POB new friend ! Sometime’s he gets lonely :-). I am sure he will also be delighted to hear from you on twitter and facebook :
Facebook: Therobot Pob

Would really like to win because I can use all the help I can get. Just ask my friends!
Congratulations on 10 years!

Robots, prizes, easy entry! How can life get any sweeter.

Wow, 10 years is a long time!! Congrats!