Gizmo the Robot

Gizmo is a merger of 3 robots

Bentley a smallish robot

Robbie a big Inmoov style robot

Max a navigation test robot

All 3 had design problems Bentley was too small, Robbie was too big and had trouble navigating around the house and Max was a good size but the drive train was fragile. And last of all 3 robots was just too much. Time for a rethink, so I combined the best features of all. The basic style of Bentley the size of Max and the systems and parts of Robbie.

Gizmo was designed

  • to be lifted to a workbench for maintenance
  • small enough to navigate with low resolution sensors
  • big enough to hold the components with easy access
  • 5 hour run time
  • and not look like a box with appendages

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Nice project!

I’m interested to know a little bit more about phase 1.

What is your basic AI? Could you elaborate a bit more, please?
Thanks! :slight_smile:


Looks cool! Can’t wait to see more!

Thank you
Gimzo’s AI is nothing fancy and pull straight out of Robbie you talk to Gizmo through your mobile phone and uses pi_trees to coordinate the commands and monitor the health of Gizmo. So at the moment you can tell Gizmo to go to the kitchen and he will navigate to a programmed point if the battery goes low all tasks are stopped and the robot will move to the docking port, dock and charge. When the power is at the correct level he will continue with the last task. Voice commands can also be used to move the head and arms ie look left, high 5(2). Gizmo also has a chatbot to answer questions and a short term memory(very experimental) we also use YOLOv3 as object recognition but this is not yet controlled by the AI


Impressive and pretty interesting!
Can’t wait to see more of Gizmo!

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Nice bot.can i have a video showing how the bot functions.[quote=“peter_heim, post:1, topic:37754, full:true”]

Gizmo is a merger of 3 robots

Bentley a smallish robot

Robbie a big Inmoov style robot

Max a navigation test robot

All 3 had design problems Bentley was too small, Robbie was too big and had trouble navigating around the house and Max was a good size but the drive train was fragile. And last of all 3 robots was just too much. Time for a rethink, so I combined the best features of all. The basic style of Bentley the size of Max and the systems and parts of Robbie.

Gizmo was designed

  • to be lifted to a workbench for maintenance
  • small enough to navigate with low resolution sensors
  • big enough to hold the components with easy access
  • 5 hour run time
  • and not look like a box with appendages

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at [/quote]



    • text



Here is a video of gizmo doing autonomous navigation you can see he still needs tuning in some places
navigation link

and some arm movements using ROS Moveit

arm movement link

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