I started work on Antwerp about a year ago. Most of that time was spent writing a software "framework" in C# that I’ll use to control the robot. I call it the "Robby Framework". The name is an homage that might only be obvious to old farts like me, or serious 'bot nerds. There have been a number of “Robby the Robot’s” over the years, but the one that inspires the framework's name was a character in my favorite Sci-Fi movie when I was a little kid named “Forbidden Planet”. It had a Robby the Robot, which grabbed my imagination and never let go. This project is me letting that imagination run wild. I've been working with a friend from work on a youtube channel named "wearerobby" chronicling the birthing of Antwerp.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/giving-birth-to-my-new-robot-friend-named-antwerp