General Prop

I started building the Mr General kit this morning. Cant continue much further until the 3.3v regulator arrives. Waiting on a free sample of a MCP 3208 from microchip to use as an ADC.

Side View

eventually navigate via ultrasound and compound eye

  • Actuators / output devices: Two servos modified for continuous rotation
  • CPU: Parallax Propeller
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Spin
  • Sensors / input devices: Parallax Ping)))
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

just a question

Do you have to work in a approved by microchip company or to study in a university to take a free sample

or someone that wants to test can have one too?


When is your regulator going to get here!!! I want to see this thing go with a prop!!!  --Gotta get a cheap LCD mini TV for it’s back.


aslong as you go through microchips sample site and put as your company it seems to work.

its killing me

the wait for this regulator is killing me.
cant finish working on the mechanics without centering the pan tilt servos.
the tv is on the list down the line 

push the TV up a bit

Seriously, I got a small 7 or 9" color LCD on Ebay for around $35. It came with mounts, a base etc. Simply a GODSEND when debugging etc. If you do text alone, it is something like 25 char across and 20 lines up and down. Awesome!

I did but it says the e-mail ending has to be the same with the name of the company.

And I cant have an e-mail  with ending.

email ending.

I never had that problem.
i just used my regular email address and things went through fine.
what chip are you trying to sample?
have you made an account with them?

Im trying to get samples for the mcp3202 chip

and no I haven’t made an account ,this happens when I try to make an account.

It asks for my name surname , e-mail ,company name , password , occupation , and in what field am I (computing .etc)

I have filled the form corectly but it says that my e-mail ending has to be the same with my companie’s name

but I dont have a letsmakerobots e-mail to do so .


I found a solution on this one,if you try to make an account from the sample page it says what I told you before ,when I tried to make an account from the home page all worked fine like you said .

Looks good

 It is good to see others using the Parallax prop. I am just starting on the prop.