General Prop

Posted on 07/03/2011 by tom_jones
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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I started building the Mr General kit this morning. Cant continue much further until the 3.3v regulator arrives. Waiting on a free sample of a MCP 3208 from microchip to use as an ADC. Side View 

General Prop

I started building the Mr General kit this morning. Cant continue much further until the 3.3v regulator arrives. Waiting on a free sample of a MCP 3208 from microchip to use as an ADC.

Side View

eventually navigate via ultrasound and compound eye

  • Actuators / output devices: Two servos modified for continuous rotation
  • CPU: Parallax Propeller
  • Power source: 4 AA batteries
  • Programming language: Spin
  • Sensors / input devices: Parallax Ping)))
  • Target environment: indoors
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