Franco 1.0

Hi i'm new and this is my first robot :)


  •  AXE023 with Picaxe 08m2(08m2 is more powerful of 08)
  •  QRB1134(ir sensor photo reflector)
  •  LM7805(5V regulator)
  •  SGMG9(motor)





Circuit Sensor board QRB1134

  QRB1134 sensor(digital output)


  bumper switch(digital output)




 the Picaxe08 microcontroller will function at boltage between 3-6V                          









  • Actuators / output devices: sgm9
  • CPU: 8 Pin Motor Driver Board AXE023 (08m2)
  • Power source: 4x1.5V or 9 V
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Sensors / input devices: bumper, qrb1134
  • Target environment: indoor flat surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Love your choice of

Love your choice of background work music :slight_smile:
Great work, keep it up!

welcome to LMR!!! nice

welcome to LMR!!! nice robot mate!

**thanks man! :slight_smile: **

thanks man! :slight_smile: