This is my first arduino robot.

FAB : First Arduino Bot

I used roboshield for this project which i bought for Rs 400 ( $9 approx.).

i have attached the code.The code is very simple one.

This is the base for my robot. The gta dvd was not working so i used it for this purpose.






Avoid obstacles

  • Actuators / output devices: 120:1 plastic geared motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 6V
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp GP2D12 IR sensor
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/fab

Nice work. Is that a 9V

Nice work. Is that a 9V battery supplying the power? Does it run for very long with that battery?

Ya its a 9v battery and it

Ya its a 9v battery and it runs for very long.The same piece was used for Grabber.

and thank you for the comment.


video plzz!!! :slight_smile: :smiley: want to c it in action

i have diassembled the robot

i have disassembled the robot .

maybe later i can re-assemble and take a video (if i get time)

aah i c i c take your time

aah i c i c take your time :smiley:


**Info, **

Where do you find your roboshield ?

Can you send to me your code by email at ;  ( please no zip )  [email protected]





Hi michel,You can buy the

Hi michel,

You can buy the roboshield here

And i have already attached the code which can be found just below the first(primary) image.Download it from there.

Info again

HI thanks for your fast answer !!

Can you explain to me how can I open your PDE file ??

Excuse my question but I’m new in soft ?




you need Arduino C

you need Arduino C - http://www.arduino.cc/ go to download and download the latest version


Ya sure

I guess you  have downloaded and installed the arduino IDE or if not then download it from here.After setting up the software,open the software and  go to File > open and browse  the folder where you have downloaded and stored .pde file and select it and click on open.

Thats it.


Info again

Thank you very much my friend !! Now I understand !!!





Special Thanks

Thank you very much guys !!!  


Michel, Canada 

Any problems…

…with the power supply? I also had this construction in my LMouseR but the motors (almost the same than yours) did not run…even not a little bit.

In your picture I see a 9V battery, is this the only power source? Any help would be great since i can not figure out how to fit the power source into my little bot.


No there was no problem as

No there was no problem as such with the motors.The 9v battery in the picture you see is of no use i must say because the current provided by that battery is way too less.

Your motors arent’ working at all right ? If you were/are using a cheap 9v battery like mine then the motors wont work properly or it wont work at all if that is the only power source you are using for both arduino and motors.My suggestion would be try out with some high quality battery(having high current) like Duracell,etc.If still your motors dont work then its surely the problem with motor driver chip.

Did you try to run your motors directly through the battery without any motor driver ? were they working ?

When i was working with my first bot i had the same problem.The motors weren’t working.After 2 to 3 days of troubleshooting i found out that the L293d motor driver chip was burned.I replaced it and it worked.

BTW whats that motor driver in your LMouseR bot ?

Thanks for explaining…

yes my motors are running when the are connected to the battery directly, this is what makes me worried :wink:

I have 2 power sources in LMouseR - The Arduino is powered by 2x 3V batteries and the H-bridge now is connected to 4x AA Eneloop and this is working. But the big 4x AA pack does not fit in place where the batterie was inteded to be. The H-bridge is working since the LMouseR rund pretty good with the 4x AA but to slow and also not good looking with this big ugly backpack :wink:

The H-bridge is a set from taobao.com and called MQ-12. I can’t remember the chip’s name…have to check it later.

Buy a 9v lipo battery or

Buy a 9v lipo battery or maybe  duracell and use the same battery for powering both arduino and your motors.


It’s a Li Ion battery and it

It’s a Li Ion battery and it delivers enough juice to power both motors directly connected to it. But i will try to power both with one battery.

Hey Kaval I’m too from

Hey Kaval I’m too from India. I just wanted to ask you that from where did you buy the arduino and the Sharp IR sensor. Also have you connected any power source to the Roboduino Sheild’s Servo power in and DC power in? or just connected the 9v battery to the DC jack of the arduino?