EX1 - Earth Explorer One

This is my robot "Earth Explorer One". My inspiration are the Mars explorer robots and after many years of wanting to build one, I've finally started. Now I would love to have a robot go to Mars, or even the Moon... but I don't have a rocket. And my wife won't let me build anything that can explode. So this rover will expore my house, back yard and the neighbourhood.

Some of the components are:

  • Dagu Wild Thumper 6WD All Terrain Chassis (Aluminum, 75:1).
  • VIA P910-10Q 64-Bit Quad Core Processor running Windows 7.
  • 8GB Ram, 256GB SSD.
  • Dagu "Wild Thumper" Dual 15A Motor Robot Controller.
  • Phidget Advanced Servo Controller.
  • Two Phidget IO Interface Kits.
  • RobotShop M100RAK V2 arm with Dagu gripper.
  • SPT200 Direct Drive Pan & Tilt System.
  • Two 4D Systems microCAM Serial JPEG Camera Module - RS232.
  • Phidget Infrared Temperature sensor.
  • Phidget ambient temperature, humidity, light, sound and atmospheric pressure sensors.
  • Phidget Spatial 333 sensor.
  • Maxbotix XL-MaxSonar-WRA1 Weather Resistant Ultrasonic Range Finder.
  • MaxBotix EZ1 Ultrasonic distance sensor.
  • Sharp IR Range Sensors
  • U-Blox 5 GPS.
  • Anyvolt3 DC-DC converter.
  • Parallax Emic 2 Text-to-Speech Module.
  • Many more parts.

The processor will run Windows 7 and the programs written in C# with Visual Studio 2010. The robot will be semi-autonomous, reporting back to a home base PC in my house via the internet. After receiving a task to perform from the home base, it is to perform the task on its own.

Thats the plan, it will be a fun project.


Chassis with platform mounted

Chassis with the main platform mounted.


Sharp infrared distance sensors for collision avoidance.

Sharp infrared distance sensors are secondary collision avoidance sensors. EX1 will first scan the area with an ultrasonic sensor before moving. If the ultrasonic sensor missed an object, hopefully these sensors will detect the obstacle before the rover runs into it.


Infrared sensor looking down for cliff detection.

Sharp infrared sensor looks down at the front of the rover. Its purpose is to detect cliffs (stairs) before the rover falls over the edge.


Mounting the electrial components on the underside of the main platform. The scales are to ensure the robot weight is balanced evenly.


First assembly of the major components. The cameras and other sensors are not mounted on the forward pan & tilt yet. The payload rating for the Dagu chassis is 5kg, I have 5250 grams mounted, so it's a little overweight and I have not done the wiring yet. There are things I can do to lighten it up, so I'm not worried yet.


VIA P910-10Q 64-Bit Quad Core Processor.

It is incredible how small this motherboard is!

Currently I am attempting to install Windows 7 but I am not getting any video from the VGA port. Perhaps it comes from the factory defaulted to the mini HDMI port? Not much information is available from the VIA website. I don't have the correct HDMI cable so tomorrow I'll have to find one and try this again.

2014/05/16 - Motherboard DOA

Sadly I suspect that the VIA P910-10Q motherboard is DOA. No matter what I try I can't get anything out of it. Power light turns on, fan turns... that's it. So I guess I will try contacting VIA and see whats up. In the meantime I will proceed with wiring this guy up.

2014/05/25 - Motherboard NOT DOA

I spent more time trying to get the VIA P910-10Q to run, I even disconnected everything except the monitor, so no hard drive, no memory, no keyboard, etc... that will always get a BIOS message on the screen but still nothing. So I thought, man that's one small motherboard! Maybe there is no onboard video ram at all, maybe it is all shared ram. So I robbed a memory stick from my laptop and plugged that in.... victory! Now it is booting up. Turns out it didn't like the new 8GB ram stick and since it needed the ram to display video, it had no way to tell me it didn't like it. So now it is running with 4GB ram and I'll need to find a 8GB stick that it likes.

Now the EX1 Mobile Platform has the PICO-ITX with Windows 7 Pro 64-Bit installed and all updates. Added a BlueTooth dongle, Apple BlueTooth keyboard, wireless WiFi and small amplified speaker. Somewhere I have a BlueTooth mouse, so then everything can be done wirelessly with the mobile playform (except plugging in a monitor). Under normal operation of course there will be no keyboard, mouse or monitor connected.

The Windows performance test scores are:

  • Processor 3.6
  • Memory 4.9
  • Desktop graphics 3.5
  • Gaming graphics 5.4
  • Hard drive 7.6

So a good weekend for me, I don't have a dead processor and I can proceed.

2014/09/22 - Modified rear platform mount

Its been four months since my last update. Since it was motorcycle season, not much work was done on EX1, but now that summer is fading away I can spend more time again on this project.

It was annoying and time consuming to constantly disconnect and remove the top platform to access the electronics. So I modified the rear mount to be a hinge and added the support bar to keep the platform tilted up when I am working on it. Now it's a simple process to remove two screws and tilt the platform up, leaving all wires and electronics connected. This will work much better for test and debug of EX1.

Now I am working on the power distribution wiring. The switch located above the center wheel in the above photo is the battery disconnect switch.

2015/02/21 - 50 Day Run Test

Not much physical changes to EX1, the latest work has been on software. So far development has been on the sensor suite, storing that information, transmission to home base and receiving commands from home base. One discovery, my onboard batteries are insufficent to power the rover, so I need to rethink my power system. For now, it is running off an external power supply via a jack at the rear of EX1.

User Interface - GPS

This user interface is for me to test methods of interfacing with sensors and devices, and to get my program debugged. By connecting a monitor, keyboard and mouse to EX1 I can use it like any PC computer. The final version of the remote platform software will not use an interface like this.

EX1 just completed a 50-day continueous run while I was working out of the country, recording and transmitting back to my laptop its twenty-six sensor readings. During this time it never stopped working, even though one sensor did drop out, the rover continued to report back the other sensor readings. Over 100 million sensor readings were transmitted back to me via the internet.

Using another program I wrote I can then analyse the sensor data. The screenshot above shows the outside air temperature for January 10-11, 2015.

I can also send a text file to EX1 from my laptop via the internet. The file can contain commands that EX1 will recognise and execute. The current command set is limited, I was mainly developing the method of issuing commands to EX1. I was able to give the rover commands even though I was a half a world away.

My next step now is to start developing a new program from the ground up for the remote platform, moving away from a U.I. based system and making it a completely autonoumous rover that can take commands remotely.

This guy is curious and will explore its surroundings. Equipped with GPS, compass, cameras, ultrasonic sensors, infrared distance sensors, sound, light, pressure, temperature, humidity.... it wants to explore.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/ex1-earth-explorer-one

First manual movement test of M100RAK

This is a video I posted on YouTube showing the first manual movement of the arm. It was a bit premature but I wanted to see it move, and I was wondering if the Phidgets Advanced Servo Controller would have any difficulties with the current.

I just used the Phidgets control panel to move the arm, M100RAK first manual movement.


Wow, loved the additions you

Wow, loved the additions you made to the Wild Thumper. And it’s interesting to see a robot running Windows 7. This one is going to be a beast!


The arm is a pretty serious

The arm is a pretty serious piece of hardware.  Keep out of the way of that while you are debugging it!  Coupled with a Wild Thumper - very cool.

I had to go look up Phidget since I hadn’t seen that before.  I don’t remember seeing anyone else doing Phidgets or using Windows 7 so interesting approach to this.  It certainly allows you to do a lot out of the box.  Keep the virus software up to date though.

Thanks for posting this.  Please keep us posted on your progress.




Impressive project.

Impressive project.

I’m working on a somewhat similar bot…same wild thumper base, android onboard instead of windows (similar to my superdroidbot), android talks to PC base through web service, no big arm planned for mine.

Interesting project.  Love to get one of those PCs on board.  I checked out the hardware you have.  Are you happy with it?  Do you know how well the fanless versions work?



PC seems DOA

Well, so far I’m not too happy with the PC because it seems to be DOA. I’m currently trying to contact my supplier to see what can be done. Disappointing because it took two months to get this one. Any matter, I can still proceed using my laptop as the processor and connect to the robot via USB cable. I haven’t used one of these VIA units before, so I’m very interested to see it run.

PC not DOA :slight_smile:

As I described in my 2014/05/25 update, the VIA motherboard is now working with Windows 7 installed. During the install and the subsequent >500MB downloaded updates the heatsink felt no warmer than when it first started. I did notice though that it was only running on two of the four cores. After all the updates and a reboot it was using all four cores.

Your bot looks great!


That is one nice looking robot!

I’ve got a Thumper 6WD as well, but have not gotten around to it yet. I’ll follow your build for now :slight_smile:


This is awesome. My current

This is awesome. My current project is the same, inspired by curiosity on mars, I want to build a semi autonomous rover for the garden. I haven’t got very far into it though. I’m collecting this badboy for future reference and will be following intensely!

**This is simply amazing. **

This is simply amazing. 

What software are you going to be using for this? Opencv? I am building a similar thing  (4wd) no suspension though. It will be navigating autonomously after programming waypoints. I plan on buying a mini itx for mine mainly for computer vision face recognition e.t.c and make it into a security-bot.

OpenCV with a wrapper

I originally planned to write my own video processing routines but that would become a project on its own. Probably a flavour of OpenCV with a C# wrapper. There seems to be a few options available. Now I say video processing when actually it will be still picture processing since the EX1 will be equipped with two serial cameras. I hope to perform object recognition and distance computations with it. I have not looked closely yet at OpenCV so I don’t even know if it can do what I desire.


This will give me a great platform for programming many robotic routines in C#, plus virtually unlimited storage capacity for the data collected. It will be an interesting journey.

Thank you

Thanks. Hopefully I can keep working on it at a pace that keeps the updates flowing to keep it interesting. :slight_smile:

thanks for the reply

good luck on your projetc! it has given me a  boost to work on mine. i’ll keep cheking for your updates. thanks for sharing!

I have the same wish to have

I have the same wish to have my own “mars rover” inspired by curiosities latest exploits.

If you got it working over a wifi network, you could post your bot by courier to a “friendly location” and have a proper explore of an unknown location!

In my plan (which has got no further than my head) mine will be twitter controlled, limiting me to 140 charachters (to simulate limitations on sending data to mars) and i will give it relative coordinates, and it will make the decisions regarding how to get there on board!

Good luck with the ongoing build! perhap  will get mine in motion some time soon

Cool, there is quite

Cool, there is quite something under the hood. I am waiting for the first video to see it in action. The Wild Thumper is quite a beast and you will bring it to it’s limits. Curious how it will handle it but knowing OddBot, there is for sure some safety marge for the maximum operation weight.


Nice to see an update. what size batteries are you running?

This is still one of my

This is still one of my favorite robot here. I’m writing a server application which enables control from a web page, using php to control the robot using serial. I use Apache webserver on Raspian, i don’t know how it would work on Windows but it should be funny!