Easy Arduino Robot Tutorial - Part I

Does the arduino have pins
Does the arduino have pins in the bottom of it, or does it just have adhesive tape in the bottom like the breadboard has from the tutorial from node/596. So that the arduino would stick on to th breadboard.

The stock standard Arduino
The stock standard Arduino has neither pins nor tape on the bottom. If you want one specifically for its ability to plug right onto a breadboard you could look at something like the boarduino from adafruit. Also protoshields are available which have space for mini breadboards on top, although the space is pretty limited. If that`s too small, you could make a giant breadboard shield :slight_smile:

Interestingā€¦ Iā€™ll add
Interestingā€¦ Iā€™ll add that to my researcher. lol

**I was wonderingā€¦ **

instead of using the Arduino Diemicila, Can i use the Arduino Duemilanove?

and i have a hitec hs 311 servoā€¦ will that work for this project???


Just wonderingā€¦
Can i use a hitec hs 311 servo and an Arduino Duemilanove instead of the Diemicila?

The Arduinos are 100%

The Arduinos are 100% compatible, only differences (Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a few more), they added the auto-power select, auto-reset when youā€™re uploading a sketch. And an upgraded chip (depending on how recent you got your Duemilanove), but as far as your servo goes, Iā€™m not really sure on that one, Iā€™ll leave that up to someone else! :smiley:

Best of luck, and remember to post some pictures and info when you get it poppin!:slight_smile:

how can you upload the codes

how can you upload the codes from your computer to your robot if you bought an arduino with usb cable and no program editor.


Say what?

Computerreasearcherā€¦ the whole Arduino software setup is free. You should have gotten that first, before you got your board. :stuck_out_tongue:


Then click download, then choose your operating system. Also, if this is your first board, I HIGHLY reccomend you start with all the tutorials on the Arduino website, before you start making the robot. Makes understanding things 94% easier.

Also hereā€™s a good PDF for tutorials,


Thereā€™s also a few more links at the bottom of that page for more great tutorials.


I know the websites, i have

I know the websites, i have the book ā€œGetting started wth arduinoā€ i didnā€™t have the board yet. All iā€™m saying is that how can it be possible to have the program editor if people bought the arduino diecimila and duemilanove plus the usb cable. IF they donā€™t even know how to find the editor on the computer.

Using cars turning mechanism

Hi, Inside the car I have taken apart there is a motor which controls the steering. Is it possible to wire this up in the same way as a servo ? There is only two wires coming out of it though ā€¦ Obviously there is no data cable.


If there are only 2 wires it
If there are only 2 wires it canā€™t be a servo, at least not a normal one. Most likely a regular DC motor, perhaps a geared motor.

DC motor

Hi, as far as I know it is just a regular DC motor but I was thinking that it might be possible to make a servo with that motor so I can keep the original motor. Does anyone have any experience with this or know how I can do it ?


making a servo from a

making a servo from a regular DC motor would be a bit hard to achieve, at least to a regular hobbyistā€¦ if you want the motor to just turn the wheel why not leaving it there making its function?

can you send us a picture?


Hi, thanks for the reply ! I think that it might be easier for me if I use a normal servo, but supposing I did try to use the motor how would I go about incorporating it into this robot to replace the servo ?? (I canā€™t post a picture as I donā€™t have a camera with me) Also in terms of the resistors I need will the ones in the image be okay (they are 1 ohm ) ?





1 ohm resistor is ok to tune

1 ohm resistor is ok to tune the motor speed

I never tried to build a servo motor from scratch, mas someone did: https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/1524

Great tutorial

Awesome tutorial, it really helped me to build my first robot, Charruino 1.0 :wink: You can find a video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InTHxxQV_hg

As you may see, I used an H-bridge to control the front DC motor and re-use the car chasis.

Awesome!! Itā€™s so cool!!!

Awesome!! Itā€™s so cool!!! Good work!! :smiley:

Ought to post the Charruino as a robot!!! :wink:


How did you

How did you connect the servo to the breadboard? What connnecters/cords?

Great tutorial, explains circuitry well.

I used 3 male pins to

I used 3 male pins to connect to the breadboard, and then 3 colored wires to connect to the arduino.

If you donā€™t have male pins you can only the wires:

red - +5v
black - ground
yellow - signal



One more
How do they plug into the servo?