DIY Remote XBee - Going to Teensy 3.1

I’m using the graphics test program in C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_ILI9341\examples\graphicstest
Seems to work fine on both the UNO and Teensy.

I ran the touch test program you posted. I get a error “Teensy_Adafruit_Touch_Test.ino:27:23: fatal error: Streaming.h: No such file or directory” I can comment it out and it loads

Good, streaming library was something I used when first started arduino, as quick way to do serial output, now I tend to remove it.

I get the display2014-05-18 18-38-14.883.jpg but no interaction. this is what displayed from the monitor Capture.JPG I tried the onoffbutton example to test my connections and that worked

Also noticed that I can run the touch test example using the UNO but not using the Teensy:? I defined

#define STMPE_CS 8 Adafruit_STMPE610 touch = Adafruit_STMPE610(STMPE_CS);

Sounds good. As you mentioned not much with of the controls are hooked up to do anything. The main thing that you can see is clicking on the Next/prev buttons toward the top right, does change some pages…

Again just playing around.

I believe my library up on Teensy forum had update ST… Library, whic needs to be installed. Also make sure that again that the library is not also in the Arduino installation directory.

I must be missing something as I get no response when selecting anything. I installed the libraries as you mentioned earlier.

I included a slightly updated version of my test program, here. If you turn on debug (in the terminal monitor), it will print out some information about touches…
Rally the only difference is I put code in to output text at size 2…


Serial Cmd Line:!!! Arduino DIY Remote Monitor D - Toggle debug on or off V - Choose Verbose on or Off R - Choose Remote Dest P - Display message Mxxxx - Set our address in hex Serial Cmd Line:d!!! Debug is on Touch: 284 26 TV: 204 Touch: 25 198 TV: 108 B: 100
In here I touched the Up button and then pressed one of the other buttons (probably the 0.

If you start the debug terminal just as the program starts (2nd delay at start), if it fails to init the touch screen, I print out a message and hang:

if (!ts.begin()) { Serial.println("Couldn't start touchscreen controller"); while (1); }

The touch screen assumes pin 8 is hooked up to the touch screen controller. (17.2 KB)

Same results. I must have something wrong This is how I have it wired on the bread board

Same results?
If you turn debug on, and then use your finger and press down on the screen, do you get a message like: touch x y?
If so then touch is working.

if that works, try using edge of fingernail and press down over a button. Does the button change color as you hold down? If so it is registering. In the sliders (plain and ugly as they are), if you press (I again use edge of fingernail), and while down, move up or down, does the color part of the slider track with your movement?


I tried all that you mentioned with out any results. I think its something with the SMPTE. I tried the example touchtest in the adafruit_smpte160 example floder. it only works for me using the Arduino uno but not the Teensy. the buttonoff example works on both. so i think I might have something wired wrong that has to do with input

Not sure, here is my current STMPE stuff…

Also make sure that there is not another copy of STMPE in your Arduino folder.
In my case that would be in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries (5.96 KB)

Kurt, does the same using this libraries. I must be missing a connection. This is the schematic I used

Any luck? Again looking at schematic, the only real thing that the touch screen uses that the actual display does not use is pin 8 (chip select) and maybe 11 MISO. Your earlier drawing looked like you had that setup properly, but I would double check. Potentially using a multimeter to make sure I had connectivity…

Probably not the issue but what clock speed are you trying to run the teensy at? Normally I have been using 96mhz and currently playing at the 144mhz speed.

No luck yet. I checked all the connections for connectivity with a meter. all checked fine. I’ve been using it at 96mhz

I found a bug with the teensy stuff I did to port the library, which would make the Adafruit TouchTest not to work. In particular I did not call SPI.begin().

Did not notice that earlier as my program inits some other SPI code.

Included updated touch test program as well (1.34 KB) (6.06 KB)

Great! That fixed TouchTest not working. But I’m still not get any response from the touchshield using Teensy_Adafruit_Touch_Test-140519a. Opening the serial monitor I see

After Display Init Arduino DIY Remote Monitor D - Toggle debug on or off V - Choose Verbose on or Off R - Choose Remote Dest P - Display message Mxxxx - Set our address in hex
it never gets to the command prompt “Serial Cmd Line:” I even tried setting debug to start.

Is the terminal code working at all? If you hit CR does it respond?
If not, if you look toward the bottom right of the terminal monitor, is the setting: Both NL & CR?


FYI - I decided to also put my STMPE610 changes up on github, so I forked the sources from the Adafruit github account to mine:
I then applied the current changes and updated my fork of the project

just displays the screen as posted above

no it dosent

yes its set to Both NL & CR

Please forgive but I assume you know how to use the arduino terminal, and you need to click in the top keyboard area for it to receive character input…

Don’t think I can do much today, but if nothing is happening, I would probably instrument the code some,. Either serial.print lines, or with logic analyzer by toggling io lines, to make sure it is not hanging somewhere…

Example top of loop function. Bracket calls for touch… That was how I localized down other test app, to hang in specific call…