DIY Remote Control XBee controller for Robotics

Yes good idea,

Just added thoses 4 button.
Also added the ginball i just draw.

Anyone have the specs of thoses sliders ? Just have made 2 slot… lol

Again look good!

I know there is information in the DIY RC controller thread… I believe Zenta originally found them with futureloc and Jim later found them at mouser: (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=4399&start=90)

I don’t remember, but it may be the 10K version?


P.S - I think there may be some place in that thread where Jim mentioned the part number as well as which know he ordered, but I did not find it on my quick pass through it…

Hi Kurt,

Thanks for sharing your update! I’ll check it out when I ever get time for it…

I’ve been thinking of making a 2. DIY remote. This time I want more AD’s and the ARC-32 has plenty of them. Would it be very hard to make your code compatible with both BAP28 and ARC-32?

Hi Kurte,
i made some test with xbeerover code.
i don’t see where i can find gethservo function. probably remove on the last version of IDE
I remove it to test the arm only

Should not be difficult to make work with Arc32, in fact I think it already builds. May need a few tweeks…

Also may build an Arduino Mega version as other are interested in that.

Yep it has been removed and replaced by HSERVOIDLE AND HSERVOPOS. Look at the current manual you an download. There have been a couple threads on this.


this code is for sparkfun lcd module + XPotmeter version.
XBEE DIY Remote Control Modified for Sparkfun(works).zip (124 KB)

I some how blew out my code archive (I’ve no clue what happened) but I could you point me to the latest DIY code


I am trying to remember what I am running these days… I think it was based on the one I sent back to Zenta awhile ago…

You may need to see in this library if I left the extra pots enabled or not… :smiley:

Diy Transmitter - back to (95.4 KB)



For all DIY remote roboteers the new joystick modules from servocity look very interesting.
2 Function stick:
2 function with ball
3 Function:

Especially this 4 function joystick:


Wow… the price is very good… will probably update the remote to that…!

Yep, the Three looks really good for now as we have that many of controls now and have used up every IO line of the BAP28 :laughing: There are other options we could do, like use the buttons on top in place of buttons elsewhere, After all we don’t use my logical Enter/Esc buttons, when we are talking to the robots…

Looks like something fun to try out.


Quick question…
do they have an option to have one axis free… like rc stick ?

Like a throttle stick? No centering spring?
No, I don’t think so after looking at the specs.
May I ask why you need one axis free?

Hi Zenta,

Great find! They sure looks interesting.

They also look kinda… big… But I haven’t really compared the dimensions though. :wink:
If they fit the DIY remote I might have to go with some of these. I still wasn’t able to get the parts needed to get the left gumbal spring loaded.


As I mentioned they look pretty interesting. They actually may be a bit smaller. That is the hole pattern shows something like: 32.5 in both directions, which I assume is mm. Using my digital calipers it looks like the ones were are using are something like: 44.5mm

As you know I did change my DIY remote to have the spring loaded on the left hand side and I added 2 big pots… It is definitely not as pretty as zentas:

My left joystick came from an Exceed RC remote control that I bought awhile ago on EBAY for pretty cheap, like in the order of $10. I don’t think the control is as well built but so far it is getting the job done. May replace later when Jim gets in the new ones. Or these look pretty good, but would probably need to have a new top made for the remote. (Not that it doesn’t need one now :laughing: )


I do RC stuff to. I would like to be able to use that transmitter for
robots and rc … That’s why it would be nice to have a free axis on one of the stick.
But i will probably buy thoses anyway… lol

Agree, that was my first thought too.

The rotational knob on top is 35mm in diameter on these. Compared to mine that are 16mm they are pretty big. But the little button on top was very interesting. Like Kurt said, the Enter/Esc button could simply be parallel coupled to these. I’m not sure how to add the buttons on mine though. One option is to add some extra buttons on the top side on the case, or make some new even more customized joysticks… I might try the first option at first.

@DiaLFonZo: Ok, that make sense.

FYI - For the fun of it, I ordered two of the 4 function joysticks that Zenta mentioned, which arrived today. I was thinking it would be fun to see if these would work well enough for me to duplicate Zenta’s functionality of having the third DOF of the joystick attached to it, instead placed at some other random location. Here is a picture of one of them next to the joystick I removed from my DIY remote which I replaced with one that automatically centers in both directions.

It looks like it may fit in the same size hole as the old joystick, but the screw mounts are different. Also all three axis self center, which may not be what we want :frowning: Not sure if it would be hard to disable that on the knob…


Self-centering can often be disabled.

Alan KM6VV