-display issues:
abLCDUpdX bytetable 13, 13, 1, 1, 9, 5, 7, ; RJoyH,RJoyV,LJoyH,LJoyV,Rslider,Lslider,Cslider
abLCDUpdY bytetable 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, ;
for some reason the display has a missing digit for the Center slider ā2 5ā. tested the LCD and it has no dead spots. so just changed the display around that.
-didnāt know where to make changes for calibrating:
I was not sure about all the defines. Since i only added a slider (wanted to keep the speaker) thought i could just copy the lines that were used in the other sliders. Then when done just delete all the XP_POTS stuff.
-I didnāt know where to start with the packet stuff:
Tried making changes to this and just got crazy results
[code]elseif (fPacketChanged & %0000000011000000) ; Sliders R, L
if bTDataLast <> 3 then
bTDataLast = 3
gosub ShowLCDString[1, 1, @_SLIDESTRING, 7]
gosub CheckAndTransmitDataPacket ; check after each string we sendā¦
gosub TASerout[Display, i19200, @_blanks, 9]
gosub CheckAndTransmitDataPacket ; check after each string we sendā¦
; now display the joystick values
gosub DoLCDDisplay[13, 1, 0, bPacket(6)]
gosub DoLCDDisplay[9, 1, 0, bPacket(7)]
;gosub DoLCDDisplay[9, 1, 0, bPacket(?)] add for center slider[/code]
I think once i get the transmitter correct I can start by changing
XBEEPACKETSIZE con 8 ;10 ; define the size of my standard pacekt.
from 8 to 9 and that should get me started