All ideas are interesting! Also that is the fun with the DIY control, each of us can decide what it is we want
For me, I am not that interested in Date/Time, but that is just me… The BAP does not have any RTC. You can always add one external to it and assuming you have some IO line(s) available can read one in.
There are times I really wish, I could display more information and am at times tempted to replace the LCD display with either one with 4 lines of text or something like the graphic one mentioned in this or a different thread. For example with the phoenix, It would be great to be able to display what mode we are in (Walking, rotation…), What is the current Gait, Is balance mode on, Voltages (both for robot and the remote)…
Part 2 - I earlier made the decision for my usage of the remote, that I wanted the remote to know nothing about the robot it was connected to. It simply sent it data and displayed or sounded data that the robot sent back to it. That made it easy to switch from robot to robot, you simply needed to change the destination address of the XBEE and you were off communicating with the other robot. Also it made it nice that in addition to the Remote control, you could (and I do) have something like a VB application on the PC that I can use to also control the robots and get the same messages… This works fine for me, but is this the only way to do this? No…
There are many ways to do this, which have both pluses and minuses… For example I have at times considered, adding an additional way to display messages, where I may define several different standard messages and store them in the remote control (Code space or EEPROM?). Then the robot could send a message that says display message N… There are pluses to this, which include, maybe reducing the code space on the robots (great if you are running out of room…), Smaller message imply less overhead… Also if you were doing this as part of a commercial product, you could have different language translations for these messages. Downside is, are there really very many common messages between my different robots (Hex, versus Biped, versus Rover…). I also use the messages for debugging, so would still want to keep the other method as well…
As for sequences. I personally prefer to have each of the robots themselves know their own sequences and through some command message sent from the remote to the robot have the robot do it… Also I do have pieces in place, that allow me to download sequences to the robots, which update the EEPROM (one version updates SSC-32 EEPROM, another updates EEPROM on Arc32, with my own code on the Arc32 that emulated running a sequence on the SSC-32). I don’t remember right now if I have the XBee doing this or not, but have meant to do this. This is one of the reasons I converted to Packet mode… But again this is how I have decide to make my robots work.
I could easily see how others may want the remote control to be in more in control of the robot. Could imagine for example having the remote talk to a robot that only has an SSC-32 with an XBee connected to it and having the remote be able to download and run sequences or maybe run it’s own sequences… There would be issues like packet mode will not work with just an SSC-32 so would need to switch to serial line replacement mode…
I am looking forward to see what all you come up with!