Differential NXT robot

Ok after a loooong time not being active on this page I figured that I had to post another NXT robot.

Ok, this is my first robot with a differential, so don't complain over the strain you can see in the pictures.



















Alot of strain here!!


NXT brick mounted on robot

I will try to post a video here soon.

Navigate around in a room very bad,

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 NXT Motors
  • Control method: autonomous, Bluetooth
  • CPU: Lego Mindstorms
  • Operating system: Windows vista
  • Power source: 6 AA batteries
  • Programming language: C#, RobotC
  • Sensors / input devices: NXT ultrasonic sensor, NXT touch sensor
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/differential-nxt-robot

You scratch-built a diff …
You scratch-built a diff … that’s impressive. I bought a couple of lego technic diffs on ebay. More compact, but not as much fun as yours.

Thats a really smart build,

Thats a really smart build, lets see a video of it in action.

Reminds me of those pictures in the front of the lego manuals with the squashed brick =p

I actually got the

I actually got the instructions from here
