Hi all, sorry for the site not having a clear communication. This is what happens when everyone helps, and time passes - we get old links no longer working, and misleading information..
It's impossible to keep updating who runs what to everyone all the time - many people are helping, new mails are written every day, things change..
One thing has been, and is the same through all times, till present (October 2014): When bills have to be paid, and there's not made enough money by various deals and donations, it's the founder / Webmaster who pays the bills.
Any help is always very much appreciated, and Paypal is the easiest way:
Let us know if you have donated to support LMR. Or why you won't.
As we all know LMR is founded and financed by a few volunteers. It is their basic work that gives us the ability to share our passion. Since our number has significally grown and the demand on bandwith and computational power has grown too it is time for us to give back something on top of fame and honour for the founders and drivers of LMR to keep this idea going, to enable new inventions and whatever is needed to present our together-made robot projects to the outside world.
Your small donation makes the big difference. So go ahead and individually do something good for all of us.
Keep in mind that LMR goes on and on so you can donate once, twice, weekly, monthly or yearly. Its good to know that LMR has some research & development budget to drive innovation.
And here you find the new Donation page.