DFRobotShop Rover

I can report that after a few days with the third board everything is working okay. So I finally get to use the bot. The only thing I need to do now is get some silicone grease and add it to the gearbox because even with the provided grease its pretty loud. Anyways glad this got sorted.

Yep I’m sure that all of it is in there. I think what might be causing this is that the gears move back and forth ever so slightly. Maybe some bushings would help. Ill have to try that along with some grease.

Any idea when these will be back in stock?



Any word on these?

I placed an order for them and 2 xbee boards for the rover on the 8th but still no shipment. Its been a bit more then 10 days now =/ Just looking to continue with my project.


I’m new on this forum and I have the Robotrover, I’ve got a few questions to ask on it.

First, the sensor on the board, I can read the value by an analogRead, but how to convert it in °C or lux?
I tried with the data sheet, and I think the method for the temp is Value*0.49, but the value seem to be too high (+5-8°C) and for the lux I don’t understand at all.

Then, I see on the user guide, that the asynclab wishield 2.0 is not compatible or interfere with motor controller, I just see that the only problem is the D7, and there is a jumper to switch it to D10, so I think that the async_labs wishield 2.0 is compatible.

Thanks for this good produce

Thanks for your reply,

Ok for the error of the conversion.

For the Wifi shield module yes it works, but as i say, the shield configuration Jumper (FSH_SS_N) have to be on the D10.

To see the result I just make a little video with my robot, so you can see it work :

Have a nice day
And of course

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :smiley:

Could you clarify a little on this. Also about the 1 timer… do You need more then one?

So it’s doable you just need to write codes for it? Are these codes unique to each Model of Arduino?

Hi i am new to the forums. My name is Eric and i am 17. I have a lot of experience with RC planes and i am looking at other things now. Lately i have been doing a lot of electronics and making my own circuits. I think the next step i am looking at is the Rover with the Arduino. I would rather control it with my TX vs the computer and eventually try to make it autonomous. Is it possible to control it with a PPM pulse from the RX and eventually would i be able to make this rover have some basic Autonomous capabilities? I want to add things like sensors to it. Or should get a different platform/Arduino board separately. Or is something like the ArduPilot better for what i want? Thanks Eric

Nevermind, I figured it out. The shield needed to have the jumper installed. I didn’t think it needed it since the kit was missing them.

I received my Rover XBee kit yesterday and had it up and running via USB within an hour. Since you have changed the version and it no longer comes with the Seedstudio Solar Charger shield, not really sure if the supplied board needs power in some other way. I have the shield with the XBee plugged in with the LiPo plugged in to the base board. Power it on shows both the base and the XBee with power. The XBee flashes about twice a second. This happens with or without the other XBee connected to a computer. Opening Hyperterminal, connect to the XBee and see commands being sent. The 2 XBee’s don’t seem to be communicating with each other. Help!


I recently purchased the DFRobotshop rover basic kit. I assembled it and got everything working just fine. Now, however, I can’t really make it do anything without additional sensors.

I was wondering if someone could give me an overview of sensors, maybe some recommendations as to which sensors to start with. Cheaper is better.

I don’t really have any experience with making circuits and I don’t have any wiring or anything yet. So please include which wires I will need, for analog input and what not. Do I attach them directly to the arduino board or do I need resistors or any intermediary components?

Does the Dagu Compound IR Sensor need a sensor cable or is normal wiring fine? And will I need a special mounting bracket to attach it to the rover? Also is a motor controller necessary if I’m going to attach additional motors or servos? I tried directly wiring a motor to the arduino board today and it barely had enough power to spin. Thanks for the quick and thorough replies.

You keep telling me things that aren’t compatible, but I need to know what is compatible.

  1. What do I need to attach addition servos/motors?
  2. Does standard pin out mean normal wiring works and I don’t need any additional things like a sensor cable?
  3. Do I need any extra hardware (i.e. screws, nuts bolts,) to attach the pan/tilt component and the compound IR sensor?

Thanks for the more thorough reply Cbenson. I guess the hardest part for me, being a newb, is figuring out everything I need via the online shop. It can be difficult to understand the whole scope of the hardware/circuitry.

A followup question:

I have a hot glue gun, do you think using hot glue to attach components to the board would/could cause any damage?

I placed an order for the 'bot kit in early January - still no sign of it. I’ve noticed some US customers have received theirs since my order has been “pending” - are European customers going to get their hands on a robot soon?

Will do, thanks for the reply!

I am sure everything is there. I think this could be the cause is the gear come and go somewhat. Maybe some bushes help. Ill have to try with a little fat…

So your saying I can connect one of the 6 led to a digital pin and gnd and that will control all of the 6 leds?

I finally build the whole robot and it works fine, but I thought I could just use the same wire that connects an arduino to my computer that I have. But no, the stupid wire has to be sold separately!! Rip off.

Where can I download Hyperterminal for mac?

Also does anyone have any suggestions on how I could mount this part near the front of the robot? pololu.com/catalog/product/960
I broke off 2 of the sensors so it would fit under the tank.
