DFRobotShop Rover

Merci ! Je vais tester ça ce soir (grrrrrrrr :angry: jvais devoir tout redémonter).

Je suis français au fait ^^

Before I tried the type C for the configuration, I know I will not be able to turn with the Robot, just move forward and backward… No ?

I tought the Robot could move without matter…
If I want to move and turn, should I use other motor ?, or other battery ? Or, can I change the configuration for tracks ?

I’m sure I have the sample program. I tried other configuration for track and motors work better :slight_smile:, my robot forward, but just forward. Nevertheless, it don’t work just with the LiPo Battery.

Other information: when I send my command (w,s,a or d, in the sample code) by the terminal, and when the motors don’t run, the LED ‘L’ turn ON briefly. :confused:

Then, I don’t want to change my gearbox type. Because if I take type C, the robot become nothing if it can’t turn right or left. :astonished:

With my configuration, tracks are not tight !

The AA Battery is plugged, but there is no battery in the pack. Now, I remove the battery pack entirely. Is PCB big board ? Because, the result is the same with the button in ON or OFF (the button next to the JST plug for AA Battery Pack).

For the LED, I attached a picture for explication. May be I will post a video showing my differents tests.

:smiley: Thanks for your attendance.

Hum hum. Yeah, it’s true, i’m in A type. But if I change the configuration of the gearbox to C type, the robot can’t move left or right, just forward and backward !

… nevertheless, you are right since the beginning… the configuration C for the gearbox allow tracks to be less tight. The reason that I never test this configuration is: in the paper (manual) of the gearbox, in the part “type C”, I thought the piece “C” would block the two part of the gearbox.

Thank you for your perseverance, and all of my excuses.

I am going to test with the type C.

Yours sincerely

With gearbox type C: OK ! I have the full robot. Now, LiPo Battery to have again difficulties to run motors. But with AA batteries: GOOD !


The problem is just the LiPo Battery, or the PCB, which doesn’t give enough power to motors. It’s not a problem of code, neither Hyperterminal or Arduino Serial window. I test the code and parameters by using a “Serial.println” to see commands I send. And when I send a command, a good one, motors move just a few and stop after 1/2 second… Then, we heard some “click…click… click” from the PCB. It is like: “current is sent to motors… but not enough…motors try to move… impossible…repeat”.

Do someone test with just AA battery ?.. may be there is more power from AA pack than LiPo battery…

OK ! So my problem seems to be resolved ! I’ll try with AA batteries.

Thanks very much. After, why there is a problem with LiPo Battery ? ^^

Do AA batteries discharge quickly on the robot ?


I made a video showing differents tests:


Yes, I removed AA batteries (I switch OFF the pack, but batteries are in place). For the moment I haven’t got a multimeter. How to see a defectivity on the Solar Shield ? Is there solution ?

I ordered a basic RF robot kit and we were able to build the rover with no big difficulty (except for the tracks which are quite tricky to assemble). I was a bit disappointed by the PCB quality (LED 8 is not working because it is not centered on its location, the capacitor C21 and a part of the track its is soldered on is detached from the PCB).

I found that the L293B motor controller temperature can be excessive (cannot put a finger on it). In fact the problem was that I switched driving direction far too fast (only 2 ms between changes in place of the 2s I was planning). In fact even with the 2s delay the controller become quite hot after 2 or 3 minutes of constant use. Is there a risk to damage the PCB ?

Have a nice day,


Hi there I have a few questions regarding this platform.

Iv got this product (the basic kit) on order with a delivery hopefully for the early January estimate. I managed to make it through most of this thread and I am hearing talks about a V2 of this platform. Is this something coming out in the relatively near future or is this still a ways away? I ask because it seems silly to invest in a platform that is going to be out of date soon thereafter.

I had plans to upgrade the base kit to Xbee as I already have several Xbee Pros lying around and would just need the board sold here. But I’m curious about different powering options. I read in here that the Solar Shield is discontinued. What is Robotshop recommending as a replacement to this unit?

I came across the following product and was wondering how it worked with the platform.

I guess my main concern right now is the longevity of the platform if there is something new already around the corner. So just hoping to get some clarity on that.


Any word yet on when these will be back in stock and existing orders will start to ship? =)

Awesome thanks for the update, ill be anxious awaiting its shipment!


I was wondering if this battery would be too much for this platform? Providing it could be mounted to the platform.


Any news on when these are going to ship out? I notice the websites availability date has been changed again and its getting closer and closer to the original February ship date. CC has been charged too is this normal considering its out of stock?

Ohh I see. I was under the impression based of your last post that all that was missing was the metal bracket parts.

Not sure where to put this but I need to vent a little right now because I’m a little more then ticked of with this product.

I placed an order for this kit on the 29th of December when it said an estimated ship date of early January. Well as the weeks went on it went from early January to mid January to end of January, to the point when it finally shipped early February.

I finally get my bot and the first thing that comes in the package is the board itself. Imagine my face when I see one of the parts (labeled 330 not even sure that that thing is) smashed with no evidence of any pieces in the bag. At this point I haven’t even looked at the rest of the stuff. After finally getting it a month later the thing was broken. I went to cool off a bit and came back later to check the rest of the stuff out and put together the gearbox.

The next day I sent an email to CS and got an RMA going with a replacement board. Well today the replacement board arrived and everything looked fine. I go to plug it up right now after finally having some time to sit down with it, and guess what? The damn USB port on it is defective. If I hold the connector that goes into the board a certain way I get a connection. Now before you say try another cable I did, I tried 5. The lights on the bot light up every time but I get no COM port. Only when I hold it in a certain way do I get a COM port. I just took a closer look and the thing is barley soldered on. I can move it with my finger. I didn’t notice this at first because I always brace these exposed mini USB ports with a finger because of there flimsiness.

I have a serious question for RobotShop. Are these boards placed though any sort of QC checks other then just plug in and see it light up? I mean seriously the soldering job on some of these components is truly atrocious. I can understand the first one being broken stuff happens, but now a second one, and iv read on here peoples boards having broken or missing LED’s and various other issues with the more expensive kits. I haven’t even gotten to use the thing and its been over a month since the order was placed.

At this point I’m questioning whether I went with a quality product or not. This is the first time Iv ordered something from RobotShop and I have to say I’m pretty disappointed with the quality of the product. I’m generally very patient and understanding but $100 bucks is $100 bucks. I’m sure I can sit down and fix this myself but I shouldn’t have to do that. I just want what I paid for, a working bot.


I contacted CS and another RMA is in the works. I am willing to give it another shot because when it comes down to it I really do like the form factor of the kit. However if I receive another defective board I will request a refund because 3 is my limit.

As a customer giving feedback to a company I would strongly recommend you urge your partners to both tighten the quality control checks, as well as the manufacturing of the boards. I wasn’t kidding when I said the soldering job on some of the components is atrocious. I understand production quotas need to be met and you guys probably had a higher order volume then you might have anticipated. But the soldering job on this current board I have is above and beyond bad. Parts are crooked some have barley any solder on them creating weak points. You can see all sorts of stains from the flux still on there, and so on and so forth. It just doesn’t come off as professional for what could otherwise be a great platform. All I can do is hope my next board will actually work and I can enjoy the platform, if not I will have to take my business elsewhere.