DFRobotShop Rover

Ok Hi so I need Long-Term, easy charging for the Rover.
I checked out at Seeedstudio

Here are the products that interest me.
I’d like to know if this solar panel
could operate the rover AND recharge this battery

See it this way : I want 2-3 autonomous robots equipped with IR sensors that travel around the room, avoiding obstacles and powered on solar panels with battery so they can operate after the sun goes down.

  1. What is the longevity after full-charge of these batteries (approximate) and the duration of the charge?

  2. Is the forementionned equipment compatible with the Seeedstudio Solar Charger you supply with the rovers? In terms of voltage output, etc.

  3. If so, could you order this equipment?

Thank you.

Have you tried plugging the battery directy on the motor (using a spare piece of wire through the holes in the connector)?
If you give juice to the motors (or using an AA battery), and they do move, than you are Go for that.
Try that and come back.

Good Luck

Can I charge the battery with the solar charger plugged in the PCB with the USB?
Will it ever reach complete or is it mandatory to take off the shield from the PCB first?

So could it recharge the battery whilst powering the rover on a flat surface?
Possible I’d never need to recharge under optimal interior sunlight?

Tu t’es probablement trompé de configuration pour le Gearbox Tamiya
C’est la configuration C si tu veux utiliser toute la chenille.

Use Tamiya Gearbox Configuration C, if you want to use all the trackset.
You are probably in configuration A or B.

BOnne chance
Good Luck

Could you answer this post please?

I’d really like to see this setup in action.
I’ve already ordered an RMA for the two chargers.

And can you confirm the following procedure upon reception of the new ones? :

0- Turn PCB off and unplug AA pack
1- Install Charger shield on Rover PCB
2- Install Jumper between Vin and 5V on Charger
3- Plug in Lipo Battery In JST (not the one near USB)
4- Plug in USB
5- Recharge LIPO Battery…
6- Charge in Arduino Program (using other USB)
7- Turn Rover PCB ON
8- The Rover WILL move.



I earlier posted this image and explanation of my problem:

And now I am beginning to wonder if the problem could not be the PCBs.
I uploaded a simple forward command (using a modified CORRECT version of the sketch in the manual). But only got the flashing light and clicking sound.
And readed the output values of Digital pins 5 & 6 (motors) ON the solar charger. And I got around 5V.
And on both shields i got a value of around 2.5V in 5V And Vin.
So somehow the power is getting in pins 5 and 6, but not to make them move.
The Jumper is between pins Vin and 5V.

So the problem is A) With the PCB itself, (which can normally run the program with AA batteries) in the way it takes juice from the charger.
or B) With the program, here:

int E1 = 6; //M1 Speed Control
int E2 = 5; //M2 Speed Control
int M1 = 8; //M1 Direction Control
int M2 = 7; //M2 Direction Control

void setup(void)
int i;
pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void loop(void)
int leftspeed = 255; //255 is maximum speed
int rightspeed = 255;
forward (leftspeed, rightspeed);

void stop(void) //Stop

void forward(char a,char b)
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);

void reverse (char a,char b)
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);

void left (char a,char b)
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);

void right (char a,char b)
analogWrite (E1,a);
analogWrite (E2,b);

If my code is ok, can I logically assume there is a problem with my pcb, with regard to the readings i got on both shields?


Yes, very well.
But you do realise both of us (alexis10 and salamandergod) have not been able to make our THREE DfRobotShop Rover Kits work with the Lipo Battery that comes in the package. Only works with the AAs.

How is that?
On the pics you show on the shopping section, there isn’t even a jumper between Vin and 5V, nor do you have a video showing it work (how is it SO complicated to film your succeeding assembly??).

Your system absolutely doesn’t work. 3.7V isn’t enough, as the motors operate at 4.5V (And 4 AA batteries is 1.5*4 = 6V)!

***Now I asked an RMA for the whole Lipo + Chargers thing, as they absolutely don’t work, and you guys are asking me to pay for the batteries I had already ordered as an attempt to make it work. But over tests on my working battery, where i’ve tried EVERYTHING, I’ve realised this can’t possibly work, the Lipos are not powerful enough. I followed your exact directives. I can’t believe both my kits are broken, that’s impossible. Now I don’t want to pay for this, it’s ridiculous. Take back your things, they don’t work, juste leave me the BASIC kit. Ok?

This is really frustrating.

On AA batteries I communicate with the Rover using Hyperterminal And It works
But as I said in the previous message, all that is charged is a forward command.

Final question please:

Confirm the motors operate at 4.5V nominal (from manual).
Both my shields only offer ~2.5V at output. Motors are therefore underpowered, no?
Doesn’t it clearly point out problem is with the Shields?
How can the PCBs be problematic, what’s a ‘ghost’ about?

AND P.S. I’d Like to Point Out We are ALL having problem with the Seeedstudio Shields and Lipo Batteries (And you guys took it OFF sale for some unknown reason) Explanation?



Done, thank you.

What will be the reimplacement parts?
And how do you explain i didn’t manage to make it work?

Hi C. Benson,

I have asked a complete refund of the batteries and chargers: as you indicated, the manufacturer removed them because they didn’t supply the announced 5V. So was the case for both my shields.
Thank you for your advice and explanation of the items main problem. Hope we can see the V2 soon.

You indicated alexis10 on using the Lipoly charger with its battery.
Could that be an advisable choice in the idea of having an autonomour rover.
Picture this.
In the wall is the charger with metal flaps (positive and negative). The rover, equipped with corresponding flaps, would return at precise moments to the charger and recharge itself, automatically.
Is that feasible and is it with the lipoly charger?
Or would i need another item for that?


Ok great stuff in prospect. Would like to try it.
Now the BIG question is:
Will the charger (connected to this thing) be able to efficiently charge the battery if it is still plugged in the rover?
Will the charger actually charge and not just fuel the rover?

Thanks Benson.

On standby mode (no motors moving) would the battery deliver some voltage to the motors?
When the digitalWrite command is on LOW, does it mean OFF or just LOW?
Will do some sampling and come back.

Merry Christmas!

I am not sure which part goes wrong. I just try BLINK sample to the board but it doesn’t work. I have a video here and hope it helps you to understand what I mean.

Sorry for my bad English~

By the way, any tutorial links for those tempeture and light sensors on PCB? or more demo code?

Thanks a lot for whatever you could help.

Yes, I have test it for other arduino board and it works and i am sure the motor set works fine. No worry about it. I will try again tonight and see if it works. You guys are great! Thanks!!

Thank you Cbenson. I think I need to exchange the board. I have 3 other boards they all work but not this rover board. What should I do to replace it? Send it back?

(sorry if the following sounds weird, it is a slightly edited copy and paste from a ticket submission. I hope this forum can solve my issue faster though so I’m trying everything)

I own a DFRobotShop Rover - Arduino Compatible Tracked Robot (XBee Kit) Product #RB-Rbo-40. I have uploaded instead of the given code, code that should move forward all the time for demo purposes. I have gotten it to upload and run, but I am facing weird problems and I am curious as to what the solution is. When I take off the tank treads, the motors move fine. More specifically when I take the treads off the bottom-most wheels, the motors run fine. Once I put the treads around everything, it refuses to run.

I have 2 videos demonstrating this issue. One where the robot’s motors running smoothly (albeit some slight speed differences between sides). The second video, shows the treads around all the necessary wheels and how when I turn the switch from off to on, you see a slight inch of movement and then nothing.

What is the solution to this issue?

Thanks for all the help?


I have the bluetooth Kit of DFRobotshop Rover since thursday. I did tests with included sensor or servos. Now I want to control the robot with the 2 included motors.

I know it concerns pins 5, 6, 7 and 8.

  • I tried the program given here: robotshop.com/content/PDF/dfrobotshop-rover-user-guide.pdf
    But it doesn’t work ! :frowning: I don’t know why… All seems good and correctly plugged.
  • I tried with pin 5,6,10 and 9, and i heard a noise from motors… but no movement !
  • LEDs (the LED1, 2, 3 and 4) work correctly when I use the program . When I move forward, LED 4 and LED 1 are HIGH.
  • LEDs seem working weakly.
  • LEDs working without motors, when I plug a motor… LEDs turn off !
  • I tried with another weak motor… this one work perfectly !
    —> So… motors given with my Kit are broken since the begin… No ? Or, some resistance should be included ? If it’s that, why robotshop did not that?

Can someone help me ? How to verify my motors are not broken ? Can Robotshop refund me ?

Thanks in advance for all. :slight_smile:




Thanks very much for replies. :slight_smile:

I don’t use shield for the moment, so, no LiPo battery, and no AA pack. Just the USB Port… Is it enough ?
I use the sample code and yes, I open the serial Interface (the terminal) from the Arduino software. With a Serial.println, I verify data I send to the arduino. Morethan, LEDs show correctly direction of the robot.
When I did tests, motors were not attached to the gearbox, but just outside the robot. So, no problem of short circuit on digital pins… but may be in other part… where ?

Thanks again for your attention, to all.

Thanks so much ! It works perfectly… euh… But, when I put track, the motor barely run. So the robot don’t move. When I use the LiPo Battery AND the USB Port, there is more power and the motor work better.

Finaly, what’s the problem ? I thought the DFRobotshop could move alone ! (Without USB Port)

I don’t understand. This robot is designed to move with the power of the LiPo Battery. I wait the complete chargement of the battery. And with this… no way. First, the two motors have difficulties to move with track. (as without track, with just the LiPO Battery).

There is a problem, either I’m disappointed.