Delta Robot

This Delta Robot is made from ply wood and aluminium. Cheap servo motors for the positioning. Atmel Attiny2313 for controlling the servos over RS232 with MATLAB. MATLAB calculates full inverse kinematics for the robot. The robot moves to given points. The point-to-point movement is realised with linear interpolation and inverse kinematics.

How does the inverse kinematics work? Look here: or here:

Moving to given points

  • Actuators / output devices: 3 servos
  • Control method: non-autonomous
  • CPU: ATtiny2313
  • Programming language: C
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at


Really cool ,i want to make one …

The robotic arm on the back how much did cost ?

The robotic arm in the back

The robotic arm in the back is a Kuka Kr3. Cost much moore as the delta robot in the front. :wink:

i know

I know but can give me the price of it?

i didn’t know the price.

i didn’t know the price.

double post

double post


But how can this happen?

Did you buy this arm by yourshelf or someone made you this one for some kind of present?

Maybe its not my robot…

Maybe its not my robot…

you should post the code :frowning:

you should post the code :frowning: and some explanation about how to make this

Always level?

I found this post quite interesting and found myself on youtube looking at a lot of different versions on this theme. It it indeed true that your 3-point setup will always remain level or parallel with the table? If only one servo is activated, will the top plate tilt?

Neat robot! That would make

Neat robot! That would make a neat and easy to build leg for a biped,just flip it upside down and make the little triangle bigger.

Yes, you are right. The top

Yes, you are right. The top plate always is parallel with the table even if you move only one servo. The top plate won’t tilt.

Hmmm… Weapons platform,

Hmmm…  Weapons platform, maybe?

A weapons platform would

A weapons platform would need to rotate instead of translate.

A turret placed on top of a

A turret placed on top of a self leveling deck would counter the effects of hills, bumps, etc.

**Its not self levelling. The**<br><p>Its not self levelling. The platform stays level only in relation to the base. If the base is sitting on a 10 degree incline, then the top is also going to have a 10 degree angle.

Why a hinge instead of ball

Why a hinge instead of ball bearings?  Is the hinge necessary to keep the platform level?  I’ve built mockups in Alibre where I can twist the end effector so that it is not level.


Can you post some code? 

CNC deltabot?

I wonder if it would be possible to manufacture a CNC router from a DELTA-bot

Yes, it is.

Generally I’ve only seen Stewart platforms used.  Why stop at 3 axis when you can go for all 6?