Cross the gap.

To me, this fits within the

To me, this fits within the confines of the task requirements but not very creative as you could make a very small  bot and complete the objective fairly easily. I’d go with a Ballista myself and just have a pillow on the other side. 

I think this actually

I think this actually defeats the objective.

The one robot that throws another would remain on the first table. Same goes for a ballista.

Surely, the whole of the mechanism should be transferred from one square to the other? Or am I wrong?

You could have the thrown

You could have the thrown robot reel the throwing robot over to the other side.


I would think that throwing a robot is ok,

as the point is for the robot to cross the gap by any means,

but leaving any parts of a robot behind (or another robot) would be a fail.

The point is to leave nothing touching the starting side.


However if you wanna throw a robot and try to land it on the other table,

please use junk parts and post a video,

because I think we will all get a laugh when it breaks into bits!!!

Mind you, I don’t agree with

Mind you, I don’t agree with this method due to it’s bruteforce technique, but I would argue that if you use a ballista, you are triggering something that is not the robot nor is it part of the robot, it’s just part of the interactive environment that you have. Similar to having a black line for a line follower. It’s not part of the robot, but the robot interacts with it by means of sensors. A ballista could be interacted with by the bot triggering the launch mechanism…

So you’re trying to get a bot across the way, if it is independent of another object, then you should be able to successfully complete the task as your BOT is across the gap, it fits within the confines of a 12x12x12 box and nothing of the BOT is touching the other side… I don’t agree with this technique of launching the bot, but hey, its up to the person entering the contest. 

I replied to kelpys response

I replied to kelpys response and wondered if you could clarify one point in particular…

Are objects that the BOT interact with considered part of the BOT? 




Hmmm, it only just dawned on me that a 12 inch cube could hold a 20 inch diagonal…

SQR(12 *3) = 20.78

Clever b****r, rik :slight_smile:

Mind you, that’s going to take some pretty accurate placement on the other side :frowning:


I didn’t look this far into this when coming up with these rules.

I wanted to make a simple comp, with simple rules, in order to get creative results.



But I would think the robot would be defined as whatever mechanical device is used to accomplish the task of the robot crossing the gap.




Wow, creating a challenge is a tough job!!!

You guys are too smart, and looking into the details farther than I did!!!  -LOL


I’ll have to define more rules on the next comp I make.



You guys have inspired me to make an entry. (just for fun, I can’t win)

So I’m going to hack my Mr Tidy to complete this task.

Which could mean that other

Which could mean that other non robot “mechanical devices” could be used without constraint? 

Don’t think so, voodoobot

Don’t think so, voodoobot :wink:


Quote “whatever mechanical device is used to accomplish the task” unqoute

Lol, the semantics game…

Lol, the semantics game…  :D

The complete quote was…

A robot would be defined as–> "Whatever mechanical device is used to accomplish the task of The Robot crossing the gap."

He said “device is”, not “devices are”…this is important in defining the rules…

The Mechanical device,which I refer to as The Robot. 

A lightswitch is not a robot but it is by definition a mechanical device, but it could be used by the robot for completing the task…So can a pully system or a gearbox…

I just want to make sure the rules are clear enough and disambiguate anything that might not be…  :) 


Tee Hee.

 We could debate this forever.

Suffice to say, I’m aiming to get everything used from one square to the other.

(Probably have to use telekinesis :smiley: )

This is what I am going for

This is what I am going for as well. Get everything from table A to table B.

My goal is to complete the

My goal is to complete the challenge within the confines of the rules…   :slight_smile:


I have been toying around with this idea in my head for a while now. I might try it out now that I have some freetime and a TI Evalbot to play with. This will be a lot of fun! :slight_smile:

There is no stop box.

The rules only require the bot to fit w/i a cubic foot on the originating side and nothing being left on the originating side once the traversal is complete.

As for rik’s comment, I too was noticing that a bot that fit diagonally w/i the 1 cubic foot area would easily be able to cover the distance required.

Love the idea

This is a fun idea for a challenge :slight_smile:

Started working on my plan last night.