Crimson, the LiNe FOlloWer

For my second project, i decided to upgrade a bit on my first robot. The only extra part is a line follower kit (AXE 121) which i had already acquired from Tech supplies UK. As you can see, i removed the SRF 05 from the board and replaced it with a neat line follower package from Picaxe.


Do not solder in a hurry, i tried to solder the AXE 121 PCB in a hurry. I soldered a resistor array in a wrong way, and then subsequently fried my board.


i will get a new board and start this anew.


this is the line follower bot showing its PPCB

follow lines

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 geared motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • Programming language: Picaxe basic
  • Target environment: indoor on smooth surfaces

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

take ur time guys. dont get

take ur time guys. dont get overexcited and fry something worth 10 euros.LOL


How much it cost to ship Picaxe to India.

umm…my package costed

umm…my package costed around 17 pounds…i would suggest getting a start here robot kit from solarbotics

I want to buy Atmel and i

I want to buy Atmel and i got it India “”. It will cost about Rs500.