Competition bound Line Following & Obstacle Avoiding Robot

This is a competition bound Line Follwing Robot under development. The competiton is line following and obstacle avoiding, the fastest one wins.

Its has 4 geared motor of 300 rpm. These motors are controlled by a L293D dual H-bridge. The brain of this robot is either Atmega324A or Arduino Mega depending on time I have. It is powered by 2200mAh Lithium Polymer battery. 

The sensor consists of 9 IR pairs, for at present only 7 has been used. This sensor is custom made with 9-step adjustable brightness controlled by ATtiny13A. 

To avoid obstacle it uses HY SRF04 ultrasonic sound sensor.

I will keep updating the project and upload the codes when complete. 

Follows Line (Black & Withe) and avoids obstacle

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

smaller cicles when turning

smaller cicles when turning or slightly advancing when turning would make it faster!
Then make a plastic case painted red so will look even faster :slight_smile:

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks! at present it is without PID, so I hope it’ll be even faster after PID is implemented, the work isn’t completed yet.

Thank you again :) 

Very nice!
I love how it handed the changing track colors, the dashed line, and the obstacles.

Good work and welcome to LMR!

Still working on it

Thank you! Its not completed yet. By the way, I’m not new :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve been member for more than a year now :P 

So I’m wrong…
It’s happened before and only occasionally has the world ended. :slight_smile:

I looked at the wrong date.

Still a nice bot though. Good luck with the competition.

Neva mind!

Ah never mind, and thank you for the support :) 

nice work

nice work

nice work

nice work

hello can you help me pleas

hello can you help me pleas ! i need a  code for  Line Following and Obstacle Avoidance


sure I can, what kind of help do you need ??

All the best…

All the best…

I learned C but i’m beginner

I learned C but i’m beginner in  robotics . I buy the list of matriels you listed but i still need the code .


i learnd C but i m beginner

i learnd C but i m beginner in robotics so i Need code pleas


Sure I can help you, so how far have you worked ?? 

i work with arduino uno and

i work with arduino uno and micro because i m beginner yet and  i maked a simple line follower with rc car and a L293D dual H-bridge for motors with  9 IR pairs . All rights ! but sitll not faster  i don’t know why . know i buy a SRF04 ultrasonic sound sensor and i want to modify it to avoide obstacles  in same time follower th ligne . 

Change Motors

You may try changing your motors with higher RPM motors

oké all rights ! i bye 2

oké all rights ! i bye 2 new motors RPM . know , how can i modfiy to make it follower and avoidance 


know the code still a

know the code still a problem


Get an Ultrasonic Sound sensor

You should have an ultrasonic sound sensor or some IR sensors to detect obstacle. You may keep checking the obstacle first then check the line position of the bot.

You can check HY SRF05 or SRF04 ultrasonic sound sensor or Sharp Proximity sensors. :slight_smile: