Compatibility Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano with ESC Dshot 600?

I have bought a Lynxmotion Quadrino Nano with GPS and an ESC 4 in 1 which works in DShot 600 (ESC 4en1 KM55 BLHeli_32 20x20 - Skystars). I have connected both (and all the rest) and nothing happens. I have tried calibration procedures but it does not change anything. I have searched in the Lynxmotion documentation but I have not found anything about which communication standard it uses (PWM / Multishot / DShot / …)
Where can I found this information?
Thank you in advance

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Hi Combas,

Can you explain what you are doing to “test” if it’s working ? (step by step what you did)
The Quadrino require to be calibrated (not the ESCs but the sensors) in order to be able to “Arm” it and it will work with the ESCs otherwise.

All the best,

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Thanks for your quick reply.
I have followed the FCT user guide to setup the different options to configure the Flight Controller, then “flashed” the controller. Thanks to the FCT interface, I checked that the receiver was correctly connected (the throttle signal was correctly received).
Once disconnected, I powered the Flight Controller, the receiver and the ESC, and pushed the throttle command to the maximum, but nothing happened.
Since it did not work, I thought it was a problem of ESC calibration, so I tried different methods (by connecting directly the receiver and ESC, but now I know that it is normal that it did not work) and then by uncommenting the “ESC_CALIB_CANNOT_FLY” in the config.h file. But nothing worked.
So, I am sure that the receiver commands are correctly received by the Flight Controller, and I thought that if I put max throttle, the motors would start. Did I miss something?
Thank you in advance for your support.


Flight controllers usually require you to “arm” them prior to fly and the Quadrino using MultiWii is no exception.
Take a look at our Guide HERE and I think you are ready for “2.5 - WinGUI” section.

It’s really important to follow all the steps in this guide. :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for your help!
It was indeed the “arm” procedure with the correct end points on each channel that was missing.
I was blocked by the calibration procedure which did not work, but this step was not necessary. Maybe it could be specified in the Quadrino documentation that the ESC calibration step is not mandatory.

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Hi Combas,

The ESC calibration is mandator if you want your multirotor to fly correctly.
It calibrate the ESC to the output of the Quadrino.

It’s not something that will avoid you to fly, but might create issues.

All the best,

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Thank you for your answer but I have read that there is no calibration required for DShot ESCs (cf. here : “No ESC calibration step is required”)
Nevertheless, I had tried to apply the calibration procedure found here called “MultiWii Calibration Procedure”, but it was not possible because the link to the file “Quadrino Nano - ESC Calibration” (at step 7) is broken.

Hi @Combas

DShot ESCs do not require any calibration when they are used with the DShot serial protocol.
However the Quadrino Nano is based on MultiWii and do not work with that.

" most DShot ESCs normally will also operate as normal PWM ESCs."

All the best,

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