CNC Machine

Built based on, in conjunction with the companion book.


I know it's been done before, but I wanted it myself.

I have completed about 98% of the physical build. Just a couple loose ends to finish by the coming weekend.

All 3 Axis' are built, and it's very exciting to have to foundation finished. I will be adding the electronics in Feb/Mar of 2011, but Xmas is coming soon. I will be posting video soon once I have the lead screws and bearings installed.

Following this week's efforts I need to dive into CAD (haven't used it before), but I have some time =P


Following this project I have intentions of a 3D scanner, and then the Cupcake CNC machine from Then my prototyping efforts should be complete.


UPDATED 10-3-10

Completed mechaqnical construction. All 3 Axis' are function through their full range of movement.

Posted Video,


UPDATED 12-31-10


Received three of the required stepper motors for christmas, along with the I/O board. I have attached the motors, as well as modified an enclosure to house the I/O & Driver boards.


Remaining = Pwr Sply, Stepper Drivers, Couplings, Router.


UPDATED 3-8-11


Electronics installed, and configured.

Have successfully ran first automation test =)

It's alive.

Now I have to better understand the use of the tool, and the CAD software.

At least it's finished =D


Computer Numerical Control. Process job request to mill oblects via 3 axis'.

  • Actuators / output devices: large stepper motors
  • Control method: BY PC
  • CPU: Athlon 1600
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 36V
  • Programming language: GCODE
  • Sensors / input devices: Limit Switches
  • Target environment: indoor, Fixed Placement

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at




cool work my friend

cool work my friend


Wich type of drives do you plan to use?    steppers / servos ?

If you have a specific source for the drives, please, post it.




Great job! I’ve build the same machine using the same book. I just posted a blog entry a couple of weeks ago with some photos here. I’m learning about CNC as I go…bought the licensed version of Mach3 and learning how to control the thing…interested to hear more about your experiences…

The website, and companion

The website, and companion book, suggest using components from

Stepper Motor: KL23H286-20-8B

Stepper Driver: KL- 4030 Microstepping Driver


I totally read through your

I totally read through your post before I started. I had been interested in doing the project earlier in the year, but really enjoyed checking out your build before I started.

I have been getting into Google Sketchup, and will be getting the Mach3 software for control as well.

I have to get the electronics yet (Christmas shopping comes first) but can’t wait to get milling.

Thank you very much. It was

Thank you very much. It was a very fun project, and I recomend it to anyone =) I may build a couple more for some family members =D

Great project what kind of

Great project what kind of accuracy/speeds are you able to achieve with this thing? Also has using wood for the base resulted in any warping from temperature or humidity changes?

I would have to double check

I would have to double check the documentation I have as far as accuracy. Speed is meh.

I live in Oregon, so I am a little concerned about temp/humidity using MDF as the construction material. I started the Build in Sept/Oct of 2010, and just finished. After going through the winter, I have not noticed any detrement to it’s operation as yet. Something I am keeping an eye on though.

I have to get the full version of Mach3 yet,  so I am limited to 500 lines of GCode, but I have been excited by some of the tests I have ran. I snagged some GCode from a blog outlining an R2D2 build using a CNC machine of similer dimension, and crancked out some pocketed shoulders from the legs. came out nice =)


I’ve got a CNC too. mine is 4feet by 8feet and I’m currently upgrading it to a high speed CNC. :slight_smile:

I use mach3 too

Wow, thats big!I regret the

Wow, thats big!

I regret the size of mine to some degree. My car can trasport 2ft x 4ft sheets without hassle. I want to rebuild my gantry and table to mill an entire 2x4 sheet. Perhaps later this summer =)