CNC Machine

Posted on 28/09/2010 by thrawne
Modified on: 13/09/2018
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Built based on, in conjunction with the companion book.   I know it's been done before, but I wanted it myself. I have completed about 98% of the physical build. Just a couple loose ends to finish by the coming weekend. All 3 Axis' are built, and it's very exciting to have to foundation finished. I will be adding the electronics in Feb/Mar of 2011, but Xmas is coming soon. I will be posting video soon once I have the lead screws and bearings installed. Following this week's ...

CNC Machine

Built based on, in conjunction with the companion book.


I know it's been done before, but I wanted it myself.

I have completed about 98% of the physical build. Just a couple loose ends to finish by the coming weekend.

All 3 Axis' are built, and it's very exciting to have to foundation finished. I will be adding the electronics in Feb/Mar of 2011, but Xmas is coming soon. I will be posting video soon once I have the lead screws and bearings installed.

Following this week's efforts I need to dive into CAD (haven't used it before), but I have some time =P


Following this project I have intentions of a 3D scanner, and then the Cupcake CNC machine from Then my prototyping efforts should be complete.


UPDATED 10-3-10

Completed mechaqnical construction. All 3 Axis' are function through their full range of movement.

Posted Video,


UPDATED 12-31-10


Received three of the required stepper motors for christmas, along with the I/O board. I have attached the motors, as well as modified an enclosure to house the I/O & Driver boards.


Remaining = Pwr Sply, Stepper Drivers, Couplings, Router.


UPDATED 3-8-11


Electronics installed, and configured.

Have successfully ran first automation test =)

It's alive.

Now I have to better understand the use of the tool, and the CAD software.

At least it's finished =D


Computer Numerical Control. Process job request to mill oblects via 3 axis'.

  • Actuators / output devices: large stepper motors
  • Control method: BY PC
  • CPU: Athlon 1600
  • Operating system: windows XP
  • Power source: 36V
  • Programming language: GCODE
  • Sensors / input devices: Limit Switches
  • Target environment: indoor, Fixed Placement
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