make sure you use primer.
finished with it , looks good, waiting to put on 2nd and 3rd coats later in the day
yes eddie, i used primer
well, i finished with the spray painting, and i think it looks pretty delicious is i do say so myself
i will post some pictures in about 1/2-1 hour of the new paint
i will also give u a picture of the assembled rover. tomorrow i plan to drill the aluminum L brackets that will hold the bottom piece to the 2 side panels. it will have the newly spaced tack slots too, i plan to make the spacers, and the idler extentions
oh yes, final thing, i am also going to go to home depot and find some small diameter pvc which i can slip over the standoffs that the track will run on
here are the pictures i promised
wat do you guys think?
WOW! Very nice clean paint! But, don’t you think the top holes are a little too close to the edge?
P.S. Both images are identical.
thats better then i did when i made that SAME DESIGN!!!
yep,looks like i gat myself a copy cat
it does look better has aluminum sheet up to 3/4" think for a fair price. I know you already have the steel ones, but for future parts, I say go aluminum! is good too, 12"x24" 6061 sheet
Thickness Each
.032" 89015K21 $14.63
.04" 89015K22 18.14
.05" 89015K24 19.89
1/16" 89015K38 23.85
.08" 89015K26 29.43
.09" 89015K55 35.70
1/8" 89015K28 45.73
3/16" 89015K32 51.62
lol, well TECHNICALLY im not a copy cat cause i didn’t see ur design, just similar thought processes
yea, i will definatley use aluminum next time, a lot less work than steel, ty for the links , probably will be better on my band saw blades too (2 are gone already
) i am using steelfor the partsd that u have seen in the pictures, i am going to use aluminum for the rest of it so the motors arn’t entirely strained
Yes i did,remember
Since you have a band saw, I suggest you build a mockup frame/body first out of cheap plywood instead of metal. Lowes/Homedepot have cheap 24"x24" sheets of 3/16-1/4" hobby type plywood that could be easily cut and made into the bot body. Once every thing is known to fit and work, then cut the $$$ metal to make the final frame from. You might find that well braced wood would work as well as the metal for a lot less $$$.
hmm ponders excellent idea zoomkat, idk if i would want my final design to be in wood (strenth and water absortion properties and wat not) but as a prototype its a good, idea, idk why i didn’t think of it , i dsont think ill do it on this project though, i just need to cut out 3 squares and some aluminum (2 of those squares being the same exact measures)
wowy, i do not remember, a link maybe?
nice project! can’t wait to see how it’ll advance.
Good job, very nice!
Ordered the part today the track sprockets, passive idlers, and…the tracks lol (spaced for a sec ) LM closes on Thurseday at 5 pm Central, so i tried getting my order in, but i dont think i was able to, it says a supid “Pending”
oh well
if the order get in on monday will have everything by wednesday (got a package from Lm that wuick once) or on thursday, but until then, im off to get the nylon tube things forthe track to roll on and im making the standoff extenders as well as the passive idler extenders
Btw, can anybody give me the bit size that matches the passive idlers? the size of the bit that is the same as those little posts the bearing fit on, a bit hard to guess wen u dont have them
Ok everyone, the rover is fully assembled, the side panels are officially bolted onto the main deck via L brackets and the smalled side panels are bolted onto the stadoffs , from my observations i have noticed a few things
this frame is very strong, it is difficult to bend at all and where it reinforced with the L brackets and other structural devices, it has no flex at all (i presume my bot will have no flex at all anywhere once i put the front wall and back wall up with L brackets
its VERY heavy, with all my batteries and motors (the elctronics add an insignificant amount to really matter much) it weighs a good 11 lbs x.x, i just hope my motors can hadle it, rated at 7.41 ft lbs of tq at 9.6 volts i can imagine that i get about 8-9 ft lbs putting 12 volts into them
i have yet to recieve the tracks, but tonight i am mounting the motors and starting to layout where all the electronics will go and probably start making some circuits as well for now i plan on just using the VEX micro to play around with it while i develop a better solution for controlling it, one where i can incorporate and control the SSC-32, Basic Atom and the Scorpian
i will get pictures as soon as possible, but right now my mom has it so i cannot
I can’t wait to see some pictures. Sounds like you’ve been busy bud.
i will have picrtures up tomorrow morning, my mom is out with some friends and wont be home till tomrrow morning, so i’ll have tme up by then
i managed to get the motors mounted in the frame and they are good as far as i can tell, just need to drill 2 more holes for each one to put in the last 2 screws, and ill be done with that
i will most likley get the tracks by wed/thursday and it will probably be up and running the same day
Here they are
Close up of motor mounts/sporcket
Close up of L-Bracket holding the rover together
Let me know wat u think
WOW! you did an awsome job,
i am very impressed
WOW! GREAT JOB man!! The rover looks very well done and professionally cut. sugoi, sugoi!!
The motors are at the back of the bot? Wouldn’t that somehow make it wheelie? Think it might of been better to put motors in middle. But it looks nice this way too.
What you going to make the top/front/back out of? Aluminum or lexan? or more steel?
How are you planning on securing the batteries and electronics? If you have any more L channel, you could make a little slot or box for the batteries to sit in. And like a top cover and bolt it down.
Very nice work, keep it up.
Oh, just wondering. Does that paint scratch easily? It looks like the paint will all come off with some heavy off roading.