Changing the Forum Style

Thanks for checking on the email alerts Beth!

Now if I could just get my KM6VV to show up as a bright blue (or even green)! ;>)

Alan KM6VV

You’re joking… right? :confused:

Howabout PINK instead. lol hehehe

Hay! That works!


Alan KM6VV

lol - Are you serious? :neutral_face: When I scroll down the forums all I see is a big pink “KM6VV”.

What about something like light-blue, so it’s not as visible. :unamused:

that’s the plan! I like it! This color was specifically chosen by Jim for me (maybe Beth)! Although a nice, bold, bright blue would be OK. ;>:

Alan KM6VV

I need shades 8) to see the name. :laughing:

By the way, nice article in Servo magazine. Are you going to do a quad for next issue?

heh, and here I am thinking they decided to stealth the mods or something… because the buttons were still there but the names were just the normal color. :smiley:

back to green it is. :wink:

The problem with the colors is that phpBB3 does groups slightly differently than phpBB2 did. So even though the mods were still in the Moderators group, you won’t get the name coloring unless the group is set to your “Default” group.

Regarding the pink - well, it’s an open group, so anyone can join or leave! :smiley: Changes to your User Groups can be done from the User Control Panel -> User Groups. Make a group your Default to get the coloring and advantages of that group, or leave/join a group there.

Note the group that offers the cool pink color offers no other permissions. It’s the same as normal, but, well, the names appear in pink! lol

Thanks! I’m very satisfied with the two part article, and the COVER!

I’m seriously considering doing my “Little Cat” 'quad for an upcoming article. We’ll see how it goes. She’s gotta walk first!

What was that song about someone so cool (teacher?) that they had to ware shades? ;>)

Alan KM6VV

LOL no it was the future that was so bright. Doin alright, gettin good grades, futures so bright, I gotta wear shades. Can’t remember who did it. lol

That was it.

They say the mind is the first thing to go, and I can’t remember what the second one was. – had my birthday a few weeks ago.

Alan KM6VV

Hi Snailkeeper.
I really like the current style of the forum. But I will change it very soon. Thank you for giving steps for the change. By the way how can I put one picture in all my posts by default like you have it ?

I’m not sure what you mean regarding the pictures. Do you mean the picture under my username of the giant snail chasing the lady?

That’s called an “avatar” image, and you can add one from in your User Control Panel -> Profile -> Edit Avatar.

Is it my imagination, or is the text now a little smaller, and is some of the text “grayed out”? Seems harder to read then before. The other items on my screen, and other applications are fine, I wouldn’t want to change the windoz settings.

I didn’t see anything to change in the user control panel.

Yes, 19" screen, and I have my glasses on!


Alan KM6VV
P.S. Still can’t click or message announcement posts to go to the message. Is this working for others. No big deal, just nice.

Alan – please post screenshots of the weird text issues you’re having, and of the links that don’t work for you. I’m just not sure exactly what you’re talking about.

Also, which forum style are you using, prosilver or subsilver2?

This is a screen capture of the now small text on the forum. I’m using the old (Subsilver2) format. The text is now really small!

EDIT: Here’s a response email

Hay! it works now! Thanks!

Alan KM6VV

Reading the forum on my notebook computer, and it looks the same as before, and my screen capture text looks like 1/2 size!

Is there a parameter to change in the user control panel on the other machine? I didn’t see one. All the other apps and screen text look normal.

Alan KM6VV

I’m glad the email links work for you now! :smiley:

As for the text size: Are you noticing a change in EVERY page you go to on that computer, or just our forum? Also, which browser are you using?