Cerberus v2

Parts List

2 x 15cm 5mm Perspex Circles

2 x 100:1 MFA Como Drills 3-9V Motors

1 x Arduino Mega

2 x SRF05

1 x PP3 Battery Holder and Battery  to power the Arduino

1 x 3xAA Battery Holder and Batteries to power the motors through Motor Driver Shield (using PWM)

2 x Mecano Wheels

1 x Piezo Transducer

2 x LED

Various Nuts and Bolts.

Any Comments Welcome.



Auto Navigate using SRF05 Sensors

  • Actuators / output devices: 100:1 MFA Como Drills 3-9V Geared Motors
  • CPU: Arduino Mega 1280
  • Power source: 3 x AA NiMH, 1 x PP3
  • Programming language: C++
  • Sensors / input devices: SRF05
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/cerberus-v2

Cool looking bot, and an

Cool looking bot, and an Arduino Mega should give you lots of room to experiment.

One suggestion: Your code is all full of formatting gobbledygook. Instead of cut and pasting it into the post, you can attache it as a file. Much cleaner.

Any chance you can post some video of it in operation?

Sure i have some in 3gp from

Sure i have some in 3gp from my phone i will convert and upload, also change the code to be in file format. :slight_smile:




New video of robot in action uploaded.

Thanks for posting the

Thanks for posting the video. Looks like pretty solid navigation. I was surprised by the orientation of your SRF05s. What made you decide to have them pointed across each other’s path? I assume based on your results that there is no interference between them.

Also, nice socks. ; j

This looks great! Are you

This looks great! Are you using an arduino motor shield? I’m curious about your motor pins. You’ve got 2 pins per motor but you only define one per motor. Then I notice you’re using a digitalWrite to the defined pins and an analogWrite to the undefined pins. Clearly this is working but I don’t understand why. I’m new to C, though. Can you explain that to me? 




SRF 05 Positions

Morning IgnobleGnome,


The navigation is pretty decent it will coast around all day and not bump into a single object unless its below its eye level of course. Also I programmed in so that the distance at which the bot recognises an obstacle is also changeable.

I first though upon using 3 SRF05’s for the navigation, left, center and right. But then decided upon the cross eyes approach. In doing this I am able to scan both left, right and center using only two censors. please refer to the truth table below. The cone shape of the censors does pose a slight problem when they are so close together, but I have managed to calibrate them so that where they are now they are both just out of scan range of each other. I also leave 65ms between each send and receive echo sequence to allow the previous echos to die out, this eliminates any interference.


Left Sensor Right Sensor Status Action
No Obstacle No Obstacle Clear Move Forward
Obstacle No Obstacle Right Obstacle Slight Left Turn
No Obstacle Obstacle Left Obstacle Slight Right Turn
Obstacle Obstacle Center Obstacle Broad Turn (Left or Right)

Also, cheers for the sock compliments :slight_smile:

Motor Shield

Morning DDibling,

Yes, I am using a Motor Shield from DFRobot, the shield uses an external 3 x AA battery pack to power the motor’s and takes its power for the other components from VIN.

The reason there are 2 pins per motor is to facilitate PWM, the digitalWrite to M1/2 sets the pin to be high (+v) and the analogWrite to E1/2 specifies the speed that the motor should rotate.

Small update:Spent a few

Small update:

Spent a few hours optimizing the script today to iron out a few issues, all is now well, and quicker I must say!

Added a Piezo for audio output at start up and when an object is detected.

Balanced the wheels better to stop the slight left drift.

What next…?

That’s how you do it.

SRF05’s in a cross-fire pattern. Perfect. Best set-up for small robots, in my opinion. Quality.

Yep it works perfect, I

Yep it works perfect, I would have stayed with that idea on my new bot but wanted to experiment with a servo to pan the SRF05, so far it is proving alot harder!

Clever program!

The robot acts very clever. May I ask where you ordered? Technobotsonline.com? N

The bot chassis was designed

The bot chassis was designed yb myself as was the code in arduino. It is attached as a file if you wish to use it.