Cartesio – low cost cartesian plotter robot

Recently the famous site evilmadscientist introduced the new art robot called Axidraw.I saw the robot in action and it is very similar to the robot I built in the 2015, called Cartesio, a 3d printed cartesian robot. Cartesio is similar to Axidraw, the main differences are: – Cartesio is a cartesian robot (xy movement) while Axidraw is a type of corexy movement (t-bot I think) – Cartesio is based on Arduino, while Axidraw is based on the EBB Driver board – Cartesio has a large working area (40×30), like an A3 paper, while Axidraw has a normal working area (30×20), like an A4 paper. – Cartesio is 3d printed, while Axidraw is in metal (? this is not very clear watching the pictures) – Axidraw can write with a fountain pen, Cartesio not (yet) – Axidraw costs 450$, Cartesio costs 60$. Not bad! Cartesio is programmed in Processing for the image processing, use a fork of GRBL to translate the Gcode produced by the processing sketch in commands for the stepper motors. All the details are here:

Plotter robot arm

  • Control method: Gcode
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Programming language: Processing
  • Sensors / input devices: no sensor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Great work

awesome work… thank you.

Impressive work. I will go

Impressive work. I will go to the link and try to learn something from you. been always wishing to make a humanoid who draws sketches of human(simple but identical) to donate it to a school science class to motivate kids towards DIY & eng…hope to get some help…god bless you alegiaco