
We built this bot for the FIRST Competition - This will explain a lot (


We plan on harvesting balls and using the belts to tranport the balls up to the pistion, after that I hope to pin other bots and launch then in to there trailer. Let me know what you think of our desgin.

More Pictures here and there.


We went with Ackermann steering to have better control of the bot, we usually use tank drive.


Here is the Robot Controller


Here the game piece that we will be competing with


Close up of our rollers, just an ABS tube with PVC rings to keep the polychord from traveling


Heres is a view of our shop


Ready for action (On a prototype frame)



View of ball ready to be luanched



  • Actuators / output devices: Four 2.5in CIM motors, Two Van Door Motors, One Fisher Price Motor, .5in Bore 12in stroke Bimba Piston
  • Control method: WiFi 5g Autonomous/Tele-Opted
  • CPU: Power PC 32bit
  • Operating system: LabView
  • Power source: 12v Batter 16amp/h
  • Programming language: LabView/C++
  • Sensors / input devices: Limit Switches, Button Box, IR photogate
  • Target environment: Areana

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

post FAIL
what, no description whatsoever?

What brain does it have?
What type of circuit are you using? Will it be able to move in the future as it weaves stuff automaticly? I would put some IR and Sonic sensors on it so it could move around the house while it makes stuff. :smiley:

"ehmm harvesting system"


You harvested lotsa “ehhhms”. Now I all I can do is make fun of the name. I won’t.

Welcome to LMR nonetheless!

It looks like its for the

It looks like its for the FIRST competitition, he is doing the same idea as numerous schools around us. Basically the two PVCS (connected via big rubberbands), one has an axle (sort of like a chain drive). And each pvc has a bunch of prongs on it. Now when these pvcs rotate, it picks up the balls, and leaves them in its container.


Very effecient design, which is why it is used often, however, our bot will kick the crap outta any bot that uses this design

Hate to tell you…

It’s already been done… 20 bucks, 20 minute install.


I hope that was a joke :stuck_out_tongue:
I hope that was a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know… Joke or not…

To be honest, I have no idea what the hell this thing does! Seriously, who does a post with absolutly no info included? Did they have no keyboard? The videos were no help -an over-produced intro, over-used techno background with no narration with most of this video showing people just thowing some kinda ball into the thing. What do you want from me?

--You give me nothin’… I’ll give you sarchasm!


He has a point you know…


not to mention…

Not to mention,

2000 bucks is a lot but really, at 40 hours a week this thing really took 28 years to make!??!

More likely

Chris, they probably worked 24/7 which means it only took them about 6 and a half years…

I hate to be so unsupportive, but they could have put a little something in there…


It could be man hour sin
It could be man hour sin other words 20 people took that long to make it combined?

You are right jklug
With twenty guys it’s only 1.4 years…


We do bitch about people not posting videos with their robots… At least they got that part right.

I ask the webmaster not to delete this robot. Let it stay as an example to refer to in the future. Whenever we need to point out how not to post a bot.

Oh KL7JLM: you can update this page any time you want and make all of us seem like idiots to the visitors of the future!

Please do.

I will shortly

John Harris (KE7JLM)

See what happen was when i posted it the first time it did not go through and I was tried so i just put a pic and some vids (The frirst time I had it all detailed). Since then i have not had time to come back to it, as of right now we are preparing for the competion. As I type this right now I an making my self later and later for pratice…

update appreciated
looking forward to the renewed description

Oooh. I know, I know, I know.

It’s a thing to make nerf balls out of old plastic Coke bottles.

Or maybe it’s to put the knots into bits of string left in kitchen drawers

Or perhaps it is a challenger for the world’s longest spaghetti strand maker

Or it could remove the little studs from Lego bricks and recycle them into mobile phones

Perhaps it puts the stringy bits inside bananas

Or the stripes into toothpaste

Maybe it’s not a robot at all, but simply an average machine-hall wiring closet that’s not been properly managed

Could be an automated pupeteer

Or an exchange for string and tin-can telephones

Nah, it rolls cigars


did anyone else notice the

did anyone else notice the foot/leg on the right bottom of the photo. I think what we are looking at is the FIRST death by robot. Most likely the person got caught up in the strings and somehow was choked…the people by the machine were trying to shut it off before it got to anyone else…

…of course maybe it just makes some really cool wool hats for the winter…I dunno… :smiley:

Don’t mention

Don’t mention the “h” word or Z, CtC and who knows who else will be sniffing round. Mum’s the word.


think bigger
The balls are just training substitutes for the dogs.